
A merry pair are we



7 Years

08-16-2016, 01:48 AM
His brain hazy and his body shivering, he didn't notice the change in Sabine, and he had no time to react when she pulled away from him. She whipped around, ramming her left shoulder into his right with mighty force. Too dazed, he went crashing backward, his quivering legs buckling - he hit the ground and rolled once, ending up on his belly. Panting, his tail thumped the ground, nails scraping the floor. He didn't know how to react. His head slumped, chin touching the ground, feeling pathetically defeated. He hadn't expected this, but he supposed he should have; she'd been acting uncharacteristically sweet. It had been a little disturbing and suspicious, and he should have known better than to fall for her tricks. Of course she was merely tormenting him. Frustration coursed through him, his body aching with unsatisfied lust - he'd been so close. But as she seethed at him, and he felt the pain in his shoulder where she'd struck him, and his ribcage where he'd landed on the hard ground... he felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe it wasn't that she seemed any more receptive, no, in fact his chances were looking really slim. But seeing her like this, angry and controlling, tossing him around like a ragdoll, humiliating him, it lit within him a new wave of desire.

Slowly, and ever so carefully, he pushed himself back to his paws, grinning wickedly as he chuckled in response to her words. "Of course not, master," he replied in a low, cool tone, "I wondered when you were going to smite me. I was beginning to think you'd gone soft... And look what happens when you let me think I can get away with things." He chuckled again as he slowly stalked towards her, his hips swaying and shoulders rolling. His breath wavering as he neared her, he crept up to her, his head low as he tried to reach his nose to brush up under her chin. He wasn't afraid of the consequences - actually, that was a lie. He knew he was in a dangerous position, and she might just rip his face off. But he'd had just a small taste of her warmth, the feel of her body still causing him to tingle, and a fair sample of her wrath - now he wanted more. He wanted all of it.

"It was kind of nice, though, wasn't it...?" he rumbled lowly, his head below the level of her jawline, ears folded back. She'd let him get really close, she hadn't stopped him until she'd felt she was losing control. Surely it couldn't have been all bad? His heartbeat began to race again as he thought of the feeling of her body beneath him, the most feminine part of her anatomy so close and yet beyond his reach. A pleased murmur sounded in his throat as the pain of his bruises reminded him of the way she'd forcefully thrust him to the ground. "Your cruelty, master, has no boundaries," he continued, black-tipped tail flicking as his eagerness grew once more, "You're absolutely wicked. And you know... I think I really like it. Won't you torment me some more? I think you need to remind me of my place." And he meant that in more ways than one - he wanted her violence, and he wanted the humiliation - he wanted anything that she would give him.