
Onwards and Upwards [Challenge]



3 Years
Extra large
08-16-2016, 05:57 AM
Everybody wants
what they just can't hold
She didn't feel comfortable here anymore. A strange mass of emotions boiled in her throat, making her stomach twist and churn. Too many unfamiliar canines, and she got the notion they were all the female challenger's loyal supporters. The fight continued, perhaps not in the way she had always imagined challenges. Where was the fanfare? The cheers from the crowd? Myriad's support? That was when the young queen realised, her hope flattening like a stone.

Myriad had fallen before the fight began.

For a while, the alphess of Ivalice said nothing. Though when she did finally speak, she only expressed the open invitation of Ivalice if Myriad was to fall. At least she had somewhere to go when her life crumbled around her again. No big deal - it always happened. She started a new life, thinking it was perfect, shit happened, repeat. It seemed even the older woman had lost some of her faith in her nephew. A mere nod was all the ebony female gave. Perhaps it had all been too good to be true. A pack of her own, the position of Queen, a lover - everything a girl ever wanted. Not that it lasted very long. "Thank you," was all she murmured.

Kait crawled up beside her, letting out a quiet whine. Surprisingly, she wanted Riv to win. She wanted Myriad to stay, to flourish. Pity almost filled her scarlet gaze. Her sister had a chance in Myriad, to be healed, to get better. What would happen now? Before she could answer, her eyes flickered to her cyan sister, who had launched herself at Armai, perhaps over the all 'eating toes' dispute. Anger bubbled to the surface of her cloud of emotions, followed by humiliation. Was this her family? Was this how they acted, no respect, no maturity?

Maybe, if she wished hard enough, she could just disappear.