



10 Years
08-16-2016, 04:54 PM
Ara could not help but miss her wife, and her sons. She longed for them quite desperately with every day that passed - the feeling only grew as the months drew on. While she had no doubt that Novel would return from her trip back to Ahlon, she didn't know when, and it was the uncertainty that weighed down on her. For now, her feelings of loneliness would be replaced by her drive to continue furthering her education and her collection of herbs. Perhaps this season she could find a better way to store them through the harsher seasons. She'd been considering crushing some into a pulp, perhaps with some water to dilute them, but she didn't know yet how she might store the results - or even bring the water to where she would do this. It was merely a thought, and she mulled over it as she padded through the thick underbrush.

The scent of another hit her suddenly, stirring her from her focused thoughts. Ears perked as she followed it for a moment, not wanting to interrupt anything she shouldn't be. The stranger's scent grew stronger, with each step that she took through the underbrush, and she delicately navigated toward it. If she could figure out who was there, perhaps she could avoid them and continue along her way. The very last thing she wanted to do was to interrupt someone else's day. She pushed forward, ambling through the roots and stems of plants below her paws, and then...

.. she felt her nose bump into the flank of a stranger. Yelping softly from surprise, she pulled away, feeling suddenly flushed with embarrassment. Ara knew the scent had gotten stronger, but the scent of flowers and herbs had obscured it partially. Eyes widened as she moved back, shaking her head. "I'm sorry," she stuttered quietly, bashfully, to the stranger. "I didn't realize I was so close." It was obvious she didn't intend to run into her, and she looked down to her paws for a moment.