
You Make my Heart Flutter like a Tilt-a-Whirl



6 Years

08-16-2016, 08:45 PM
It was very possible that his doubts might never disappear entirely. They might fade, but to vanish completely seemed unlikely to Steel. He'd lived a life of uncertainty and distrust, and though he trusted Esarosa - he didn't always trust the world around them. But for right now, if felt like those doubts were entirely nonexistent. Nothing mattered more than the woman before him.

Esarosa seemed surprised at his words. Perhaps he ought to try to surprise her more often. He was the more predictable one, while she was was more prone to being spontaneous. His grin widened as she seemed to consider it.   "I'm not sure," he said quietly, moving forward to press his cheek to her own briefly.   "My mother was Silent, and my father Bronze." Steel didn't talk much about his family, though he'd explained his situation briefly to her; his life had been a simple one, and he'd lost his parents far too soon.   "But I don't think I'd want to use their names. And there's no surnames in my family that I've ever heard of." It was a strange concept to him, but many wolves seemed to have them.

The thought of choosing names, though a bit anxiety-producing, also flooded his chest with warmth. They would have children.. he knew it.   "I'll have to think about it for awhile." Steel's grin grew as he nuzzled into her cheek, placing a gentle lick on her face. He was sure they'd come up with something in the time they had, though it might not be easy. It was an important decision, after all.   "How much time will we have to think about it, you think?" His voice was teasing, and playful, as he nipped gently at her tender throat.. perhaps implying he wouldn't argue against them moving things along more quickly.