
Got Me Looking So Crazy Right Now

Sparrow I


7 Years
08-16-2016, 10:06 PM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2016, 11:01 PM by Sparrow I.)
When she heard the call, her mind felt numb. She was scared and angry and how dare Peregrine not tell her she was going to come and challenge for a pack? Had she told anyone else? Did she even know any healers?

Sparrow ran around frantically pulling plants out of the ground and searching for cobwebs. What if she got seriously injured? Sparrow felt her heart drop. No, Peregrine was going to be fine. She was definitely going to be okay- until Sparrow got to her.

In the moment, Sparrow felt a lot bigger than she was. She felt betrayed. In the middle of carrying her herbs, she realized she was crushing them between her clenched teeth. She needed to calm down. She needed her heart to slow down and the tears to stop wobbling at the edges of her eyes. She needed to drain the heat from her face and the numbness from her paws.

She needed to breathe.

Since when was this such a big deal? Her whole pack had gone to war, her siblings, her friend, his family- all of them. She remembered how she felt then, but the anger was different then. She was angry then because she didn't support the cause. She didn't want to see her pack, or her friends hurt because someone waged a stupid war.

This was different.

She supported this cause.

She was hurt because some part of her wanted to be a part of that.

"Dannazione tutto, Peregrine."

Sparrow took a deep breath and continued to the battle field. She had seen scattering wolves, but she didn't really see them. She didn't hear them. She refused to. What if they said Peregrine was hurt? What if she lost?

Then, sticking out as if she was the only wolf on the planet, Peregrine stood, and suddenly Sparrow couldn't bring herself to move. She didn't know if she should scream or cry or run to her. She didn't know anything. Her mind was void of all thoughts except for one.
