
You can't spell slaughter without laughter


06-17-2013, 04:29 PM
Vladimir had made it to Winter alone...of course he had not seen anyone from his family and was getting a bit pissed. Didn't they care for him? Didn't they want him back...even go looking for him? Heck no, they probably rejoiced in the fact that their son was gone, and with his smart ass mouth too. Vladimir had to change and he had to do something good. The boy wasn't getting any more mature so he had to make a change to that. Damn...Vlad couldn't do anything right could he.

Dark gray ears perked up as the handsome brute stood still. His sky blue eyes looked around as he heard screams then a howl. What the hell was going on? Whatever it was the young brute better get as far away from this place as possible...but then another thought came to mind. Who was he again? Vladimir Bellator of course. Isn't he always the one to make a smart ass reply? Well...unfortunately yes. So why can't he be bold enough to go look at what's happening and help? With a determined look in his eyes the young male's dark gray paws hit the ground as he ran to the scene.

Vladimir arrived at the scene as his gaze set on a gruesome sight. His breath was taken away as he saw the blood and the wolves gnawing at the fallen wolf. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a russet brute flee the scene. Smart bastard...

What was Vlad to do? He had to get these wolves away from the carcass.

"Hey!" he yelled

"Party's over, I'm afraid you're going to have to leave now."

"And don't think I don't know what you're going to say. You're just going to protest and think who is this bastard of a brute to tell us what to do. Well to hell with that. I'm sure you've had your fun but this is completely uncalled for! I just suggest you go. Now!" he said in almost a growl.

Vladimir looked at the body and the three wolves left. What had he gotten himself into. He had no intentions of fighting but had a deep determination to get these wolves away from the butchered body. This wasn't right and he knew that this all was very uncalled for. Perhaps this was a probably was. But the male didn't leave or flee. fight or flight...he just chose to stay and fight with his words. Maybe his smart ass of a mouth can be used for something good for once...something such as this.