
Got Me Looking So Crazy Right Now

Sparrow I


7 Years
08-16-2016, 11:01 PM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2016, 11:03 PM by Sparrow I.)
Peregrine addressed her by name, "Oh, so you refemfr my name, hah?" Well, good, because Sparrow could have sworn she didn't hear her name being called before the fight. Sparrow came closer, despite the taller girl's step back.

"Do I luk mad? Really? Try cazzo incazzato." Sparrow was nearly under Peregrine's chin when the other noticed her pouch. When she pointed it out, Sparrow remembered she had been scrambling around looking for herbs for this-


"IDIOTA!" Sparrow spat the pouch onto the ground, beginning to stomp closely around Peregrine to look for injuries, threatening to crush Peregrine's toes under her tiny feet with every step. When they were shoulder to shoulder, she motioned to the bag with her tail.

"What do you think it is, huh? Maybe it's some COMMON SENSE for you!"

Sparrow tossed her head back to where she was almost yelling in Peregrine's ear, "Did you just wake up and think, 'Oh hey, it's a wonderful day to fight someone for their pack and not tell anyone,' or did you just want to leave me out of this on purpose? Were you afraid I'd run away?" Sparrow's voice cracked and she fell silent for a moment, trying to blink away her tears. She was trying to look threatening, dammit.

"Did you think maybe someone would have liked to have stuff to treat you in case you got hurt and would spend the whole fight looking for herbs instead of being able to be here and cheer you on? Didn't you ever think- oh, I don't know- that maybe someone would WORRY about you, Pere?"

Oops. There it was. Sparrow spun around, her minty eyes wide. She stammered over several syllables trying to think about what to say to cover up her emotions, but her mind blanked and she was left just staring at Peregrine's face.