
a new soul to the old hell



6 Years

08-16-2016, 11:13 PM

Faite didn't miss the respectful head nod the female alpha gave her and Faite gave the same dip in return. Ears pricked as this female introduced herself as Avalon and she couldn't help but study the other's markings. She couldn't help but notice the uncanny way that she looked like Creed, except with more color of course. Her gaze would sweep over the female and Faite decided that they must be family. She lacked the tear markings that Creed had so maybe a cousin or some other distant relative? It was hard to tell without asking.

She listened as Avalon pitched her pack to the woman and she sat by Reg as he murmured in her ear in their native tongue. She grinned to herself as he joked about his own coloring. It was kind of hard to forget about Regulus. She was sure that even if she ever got amnesia she'd never forget her bigger brother's large size and crimson fur. He certainly stood out from a crowd.

She realized she hadn't gotten the gray female's name, though she supposed with so many wolves here it was hard to know who to focus on. Her language had been rather interesting though. The fact it wasn't one she'd ever heard before definitely made her want to know more about it. If this woman decided she didn't want to come to Celestial Faite had already decided to try and see the woman later on. She'd picked up on their family language rather quickly. If the gray woman was willing to teacher her then she certainly wouldn't have minded having one more language to use.

She was surprised when another strolled towards them. She hadn't seen him before now so it made her wonder where he'd come from. He was rather large to have hidden from the entire crew so easily and the area around them was a bit barren other than grass and the occasional rock here and there with a pond to dot the landscape. Other than that it was relatively flat which left the place perfect for its namesake - a battlefield. Regardless she shrugged it off and instead studied him. He looked a bit like Avalon, held the same scent, and carried himself with an arrogance unmatched by anyone she had seen. His dominating stride was nothing like her brothers easy going and regal confidence. He offered the same pitch Avalon did, with less words, and she noticed how he tried to use the same language as her, though the Heil part sounded different. he clearly didn't know the woman's language either. Shame.

Her attention turned back to the woman as she said she'd already chosen. Her words were rather hard to understand and her head cocked slightly as she tried to make sense of it. Did this mean she'd chosen to come home with them? She had to keep her tail from waving wildly at the thought. She did hope that she'd come with them, but she would understand if she didn't. Faite had met many wolves in her travels and she'd noticed that each had their own path to take, whether they knew it or not, and it was hard to fight the destiny that fate provided.

Regulus seemed to think along the same thoughts as hers and spoke what she'd already been thinking. She realized she'd been silent so far and it seemed that she had an opening so she decided to take it quickly before someone else piped up again.

"Celestial's members can come into and leave the territory as they please." She reassured the woman. "If you do decide to come with us you won't be barred from traveling to try and meet others who can speak in your native tongue." She'd pause for a moment before adding. "Regardless if you come I'd very much love to learn your language and I can teach you English if you'd like. Gaelic too!" She wasn't sure if the woman would be interested in learning more than english, but the offer was there. She definitely wanted to learn her language. She'd never learned it before and Faite had more than enough patience to sit down and try to teach the other english so she could talk easier with everyone else.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]