
You Make my Heart Flutter like a Tilt-a-Whirl



6 Years

08-17-2016, 12:15 AM

Esa listened with great interest as he talked a little bit about his family - it may not have been much, but it was still fascinating. She smiled with amusement as he mentioned his mother's name. Was that really true? "My mother's name was Silent Snowfall!" she exclaimed, tail swishing - a twinge of sorrow as she tried to remember the things she'd heard about her mother, "Most of the pack called her Lady Snowfall, but her close friends called her Silent." Any time that her adoptive mother, Bright Moon, had mentioned Esa's mother, she had called her Silent. As she swallowed the feeling of sadness, her thoughts roamed back to her amusement that their mothers shared the same name. She continued to listen as Steel mentioned his father's name, Bronze. "Mine was Nuri," she quietly interjected as they conversed. She flicked her ears, trying not to think about the fact that he had probably passed on by now - he'd had his children very late in life, and the stress of leading a pack had been taxing on him. Ears perked as Steel went on to say his family had no surname, and he wasn't really interested in using his parent's names. However, it was good insight into potential related names.

She nodded her head in agreement as he said he'd have to think about it for a while. It was a question that had caught her off-guard but, now she realized she really had to put some thought into this. Perhaps they could brainstorm together, when their minds weren't distracted on the current moment. She grinned as his next question came, with a teasing tone. How much time would they have, indeed? "I think... Not much longer at this rate," she replied with a grin, tilting her head back as he nipped at her throat gently, her tail flicking to and fro. Her head canted to the side, and she pressed toward him to shove her face into the fur of his neck. The sky was darkening, some of the first stars of the night making their twinkling appearance.

There was so much more they had to talk about, and things she wanted to ask him. How many did he think there would be? Did he prefer sons or daughters? She was fine with either - after all, this was her first time, she had no idea what it would be like to raise any pup. But she could barely control her thoughts, her hormones raging, her body wanting to do nothing more than draw him in - they didn't need to eat, they didn't need to relax. They could do that after, and sleep well tonight. She breathed in his scent, so familiar and comforting to her now, with a heavy sigh escaping her. When she opened her eyes and lifted her head to look up at him, she saw the tell-tale flicker of the fire flies coming out from their daytime hiding places. The dim glow reminded her of that first rainy night she and Steel had spent together, and the flickering bugs that had surrounded the pond as they sought shelter from the weather. She loved it. For her, it was the perfect setting, adding to the haze that began to cloud her mind. Then she pulled away from Steel, blinking her emerald eyes at him before turning away, her tail waving as her legs swished carefully through the water. She wanted him to come after her, so she glanced over her shoulder with an innocent "come hither" look glittering in her eyes.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]