
No Rushing



6 Years
08-17-2016, 02:35 AM
the colors of my life
are painted in black and white

Armai merely nodded as he explained the male who she was supposed to be testing. She'd probably smelled him around, at least at the pack meeting, as she'd noticed there were a few stranger scents around in the pack. They all held the scent of Myriad, but she hadn't had the pleasure to meet them yet. At least she had a really good reason to now. If she was lucky Riv would send him her way, but if not she supposed she could always have Nox help her find the male.

He'd speak and she felt the confidence he had in promoting her. She was excited about the position, a position she hadn't expected, but excitement nonetheless. She could only hope she could fulfill his expectations of her. There was more surprise though as he told her he'd promoted Xephyris to the beta position. She mulled it over in her head and was rather pleased with the idea. He'd done a good job with everything lately. His tips on fighting seemed sound and overall he seemed like a trustworthy wolf. His dedication certainly hadn't wavered.

"I accept the position Riv. I'm happy you have a Beta now as well. Xephyris seemed to be a good man, and I'm glad you seem to have faith and trust in us both. Your trust isn't misplaced." Riv didn't have to worry about her loyalty. He'd provided her a home, a place to feel wanted, and even give her opportunities most wolves wouldn't give a blind wolf. Anywhere else she might have felt useless, but her she thrived. It was here she felt like she belonged somewhere and actually contributed. She didn't feel like a dead weight and a burden and for that she was grateful.

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.