
Girls Love Girls and Boys



6 Years

08-17-2016, 05:22 AM

Faite trotted along with an ease that came naturally to her now. Her typically laid back posture hadn't changed as she meandered through the north. Muscles ached with a now familiar pain that she'd grown to enjoy and love. The north had such a more preferable terrain compared to back at home in the west. She loved her home, but she longed for something a bit more new and pleasing to the eyes and her trek to the north was not in vain. Already she was loving the coldness of the air and the slight chill that still lingered. Everything was still unnaturally warm, but it wasn't as hot as the west and she wouldn't complain.

She had no idea where she was going considering she'd never been up this far before. The trip here hadn't been too bad, but she wasn't exactly looking forward to going home yet. Her thoughts still lingered on Surreal and all the demotions Regulus had dished out at the meeting and she was enjoying the time to herself before she was to return to the responsibilities. She'd taken up Creed's mantle with a fair amount of happiness, but the worry that settled in her gut was uncomfortable to say the least. She just wanted everything to be okay.

Her adventure was a distraction to say the least. A well needed one she might add. Her paws had led her to a rather interesting sort of land. She'd never seen a geyser before, though it seemed this wouldn't change as he approached. Instead her gaze met two other wolves. One was a fairly large man, about Creed's height, covered in ivory and obsidian. She looked him over curiously before her gaze shifted to an amazingly massive female. She stood taller than Regulus and had the most interesting markings she'd ever seen on a wolf. She found herself stopping in her tracks and just staring at her. She hadn't been aware wolves that big existed and yet here one stood. She finally composed herself and glanced between the two wolves. It was unnaturally quiet and she briefly wondered why no one was talking. Oh well, she'd take up that role then.

"Hello!" She called out pleasantly to the both of them.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]