
Onwards and Upwards [Challenge]

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

08-17-2016, 07:57 AM

Wait for it

The male was sick and tired of being treated like a boy. Constantly over and over, and this woman was the same age as him. He’d show her something, something of his efforts. Even if he lost, there would be all of his being put into this. The pain was only a reminder of himself. Myriad would rise from the ashes, if not now it would later on. As Adrenaline pumped through the young male’s body - the pounding of blood in his ears would only drag him further along.

His ears pinned to the back of his head, eyes narrowed into slits. His muzzle pulled back into a snarl to scrunch up his face, the muscles protecting the bridge of his nose from major damage. Toes spread into the terrain, to his displeasure his bite would hit onto her ribs. The pull back making it harder to cause desired damage. However with his cocked tail keeping him balanced, and abdomen muscles tightened he was ready to spring at any moment with her speed. As her jaws sank further into his side he felt the wound open more. A severe inch of a wound there, bleeding out as the adrenaline would numb the pain. As soon as she let go, Rivaxorus would pivet his back legs with all his weight towards his right. The right back leg first would hop as far as he could to the right by two feet, left back leg following in tow as he used his tail (by shifting it to curl to the right)to keep balance from the sudden and abrupt shift. His intention to put them at an acute angle to keep her away from his back legs tendons.

The male felt her jaws snap shut on the area just between his rump and his tail. The flesh tearing open from such a meaty part that sat right on his rear end. An inch would opened up as he would bend his knee’s at the joint as a reaction to the severe wound - though he would save his tendon. His left back leg would raise only to be grazed by the females left front paw trying to smash his toes. Met with mere bruising as he shifted his weight to his right and kicked his left back paw straight down to try and get straight back at her on her toes of her left front paw. Her shoulder would try to dig into his side, with his bent knee’s her shoulder would collide with the upper part of his left side. Right in the middle of his ribs. Causing uncomfortable bruising as the male snorted from the moderate pain and bruising that would sprout.

He then would put all of his energy in attempting to push himself forward. Shifting his weight forward, his jaws opened and aimed for the base of her tail. Right where the last ligament connected to her rump. His upper jaw aimed for the right side of her tail while the lower to the left side. Attempting to clamp shut he had every intention to try and severe that appendage. As he jutted his left shoulder out and aimed it towards her left side as she had done to him. He placed all of his weight into an attempt to fruitfully topple her over from jutting his left shoulder out into her right middle ribs and biting onto the base of her tail. His hackles still raised and his scruff pulled forward. His shoulders rolled inward to become more impact. His eyes but mere slits on his enemy.
Riv vs Peregrine for myriad.

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