
Girls Love Girls and Boys



7 Years

08-17-2016, 06:06 PM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2016, 06:19 PM by Ehrgeiz.)
He sighed as they stood there in awkward, eerie silence. He wasn't really sure why he'd come here. Or why he'd approached the massive woman at all, since he clearly had nothing to say, and didn't really intend on offering any sort of conversation. He supposed, though, that it was just something different to do, something new, a breath of fresh air away from captivity. She seemed to eye him a bit, taking in his scent, and warily he would eye her as well with his one good eye. As his nose twitched, he became aware that she carried a pack scent on her coat, though he had no idea which one she came from. Hell, he really didn't know the names of any of the packs. He'd been stuck with Sabine for so long now, he really knew nothing of the world at large.

Before either of them could break the silence, and before it could carry on any longer, another wolf would approach them. She was a smaller female - she actually looked like a woman to him, petite and with slender features, unlike the brutish women he'd become used to seeing. Her voice rang out in a simple, pleasant greeting. Typical, bubbly female. He wondered if she was any smarter than the rest of them. His ears folded back as he glanced to Amachi as she introduced herself, before turning his singular blue orb back to the newest arrival. "You seem cheery," Ehrgeiz grumbled, the best he could come up with for a greeting, although for once he was lacking in his usual hostile or sarcrastic tone.

"I'm Ehrgeiz," he said, having not uttered his own name in seasons, it felt strange upon his tongue. Awkward and unsure of how to have any sort of conversation, he turned away from the women and began to sniff the ground. Although not very interested in the geyser, he supposed he might as well check it out. He'd come all this way, he might as well try to learn something new. So his nose led him to the strange opening in the ground, noticing the warmth that brewed beneath the surface, and the strange sulfury smell rising. However disinterested he looked, he kept an ear tilted toward the other two wolves, not sure how he felt, but he supposed he was glad for the chance to be out and about.