
Crash and BURN

Mercy I


5 Years

08-17-2016, 07:35 PM

So this was the pack that Lykos had told her all about. Her nose wrinkled at the stink of it, the added smell of rotting grass added to her distaste of it. Licking her chops, her white head rose as she glanced into pack lands, purple eyes narrowed. She didn't smell Lykos right now, but if they thought this weak border could stop her, they were wrong. Plus, she wasn't here for her once-apprentice, oh no. She was here for his mother. With a smug smile, she walked right past the border without a care in the world. Marching right in like she owned the place, she wandered through the pines. She made sure that she left a strong trail, brushing across every tree she came across. Breaking out into an easy lope, she wound around the next tree a few times before taking off again, leaping on top of a tall rock and marking her territory there. A carefree laugh left her maw and she dragged her scent all across the area, only to trot right back where she came from. No matter what direction Avalon came from, she would be coming across her scent inside her pack territory.

Mercy folded herself down neatly, licking the dirt that had gathered around her ankles. Taking her sweet time, she curled her elongated tail around herself, and then lifted up her head and called for Avalon. After her song, just to be a little shit head, she stood back up and followed her trail back a little bit. She made sure to follow her own scent back, before ducking behind a larger tree and hiding herself. Another laugh left her lips as she peeked out from her hiding place, just waiting to see Avalon.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.