
in a different place



10 Years
Extra large
08-17-2016, 07:44 PM
The world looked even better from this vantage point, somehow. From the mountainside he could see the vastness of these lands, could see the trees melt into the horizon, see valleys and hills and infinitely more. He felt small up here, which was a rarity for the massive brute, and the feeling was refreshing. The air was crisper, more pure somehow, and he took a deep breath of the northern air, enjoying the feeling of it filling his chest. He did need to rest - his legs were achy from the climb and his breathing was still more labored than it ought to be.

The difficulty of the climb was invigorating to him. Perhaps he ought to come to these parts more often! He was lost in quiet reflection for a long period of time, surrounded by the serenity of nature. The sounds that filled his perked ears was pleasant - a gentle breeze, varying in intensity, whistled through the small trees that grew here, occasionally disturbing the rocks and sending stray ones tumbling down the cliffside.

The sound of another wolf stood out clearly to him. At first he wondered if it was perhaps a goat - what a fine meal that would make! His stomach rumbled as he sniffed at the air. It took a moment for him to catch a whiff of the scent, and instantly his stomach fell in disappointment. It was not prey after all. After a moment of consideration, he felt more positive about the chance of having some company. With a fluid movement, he leapt down from the ledge he'd found himself on, turning the corner to face the stranger suddenly. He hadn't expected her to be so close, and his eyes widened as he regarded her. "Excuse me!" he exclaimed, chuckling out loud. "I didn't realize I had company." Teeth were revealed as he flashed her a wide, unabashed smile.

table by argent/neffs