
Crash and BURN



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-17-2016, 08:16 PM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2016, 08:23 PM by Avalon.)

It was strange to see that even the north would lose its snowy blanket. Avalon was making her rounds, and what she noticed on her way was that Yfir's borders were...not as strong anymore. Almost like they were going stale. She supposed they weren't incredibly strong to begin with, but she was still confused. Did they move for the summer? Did the decide to no longer share borders? It was somewhat of a relief. They wouldn't have to keep guarding that particular side anymore, but that didn't mean she would go lax in her patrols either. A howl would then sound for her, and Avalon would recognize it to some degree. Then, a screech above would jerk her from her thoughts, gaze finding Tanaraq soaring towards her. She was glad to have met the raptor, she was quite helpful in keeping an eye on things. "There's been a breach at the border ahead." The bird circled overhead, and Avalon would quicken her pace.

Someone had dared trespass? Her lip curled, yellowed teeth bared as she lumbered along. Upon reaching the scene, she could smell the intruder all around her, and it caused her fur to bristle and a snarl to rip free from her throat. The scent wasn't immediately recognizable, it didn't take long for her to recognize who it belonged to. What the hell was she trying to do?! "I know you're here, Mercy!" She called, her form stepping across the soft ground in search of the intruder. She didn't have to search long, however, before Tan alerted her once again from her position within the trees. Amber gaze narrowed, and she would slink forward to try and sneak up on her.

She had not been in a very good mood lately, and if the Mercy chose to be hostile, then she'd have to force her out. Though why nobody else had caught the scent was beyond her, but she was incredibly displeased. Finally, she caught sight of white fur at the base of the tree that Tan was perched on, and Avalon would not hesitate any longer. Rushing forward, a snarl ripped free from her maw in an attempt to surprise her, mud and slush spraying forward as she came to an abrupt halt behind the woman, hackles raised. "You should have waited at the borders! We don't take well to trespassers, Mercy!" She growled, waiting a moment for her to turn around before deciding what to do. She was sure that Mercy would be surprised to see that she wasn't the same quivering good girl she'd once been, no. Far from it now.
"Talk" "You" Think


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