


08-17-2016, 09:53 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Keno
Age: 23

Character's Name: Thanatos Adravendi
Character Age: Four
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 28"
Appearance Description:

Thanatos is born small but strong. His body will eventually grow to be twenty-eight inches tall and he'll weigh just over the average weight of a small framed wolf at eighty-eight pounds. His body will be long, with a sweeping, fluffy tail. His entire coat, especially as a pup, will be fluffy, though it will grow to be more smooth and lay flatter as he ages. He will have longer legs as well, with wide paws to support his body. Thanatos will hold leaner muscles, giving him a much sleeker appearance. He will not bear strong facial features, but will still have a certain charm in the face that will make him at least somewhat appealing to others.

Thantos wears, for the most part, a small yet gentle smile. He carries himself more slowly, hardly ever running unless it is required for a task. His typical gaze seems to be more distant, sometimes lonely, as he looks at others. Looking upon Thany others will be able to tell that he is not overly dominant, nor the type to flaunt his linage over others. When angered he holds a bit more of an intimidating look, with his fluffy fur standing on end and bright eyes narrowed into a piercing gaze.

Thany inherited his coloration from the Adravendi line, bearing a coat with a base of brown. Lighter, milk-chocolate runs along his lower jaw and spreads down across his underside, as well as up around his ruff giving him a collar-like marking. His ears are more of a red brown and a darker brown lays across his back. There is a white marking upon his back, giving a bit more to notice about the small male, along with his white mask and paws. Thany's eyes are a beautiful teal, especially shiny in the light.

Skills: Already set

Proof of Purchases:

-1st Character Slot [In Use By Nah Walker]
-2nd Character Slot [In Use By Alfred Adravendi]
-3rd Character Slot [In Use By Carletta Morales]
-4th Character Slot [In Use By Akemi Miu Shinonome]
-5th Character Slot [In Use By Maria]
-6th Character Slot [In Use By Enlil Ancora]
-7th Character Slot [In Use By Castiel Mathúin Adravendi]
-8th Character Slot [In Use By Rasiel Áine Adravendi]
-9th Character Slot [In Use By Kaitlyn Falkenrath]
-10th Character Slot [In Use By Sequoyah Cypress Dominique-Netonya]
-11th Character Slot [In Use By Vitus Armada]
-12th Character Slot [In Use By Éponine Adravendi]
-13th Character Slot [In Use By Ganta Hellstrom-Lore]
-14th Character Slot [In Use By Marina Agatsuma]
-15th Character Slot [In Use By Forsaken Hellstrom]
-16th Character Slot [In Use By Oracle Ancora]
-17th Character Slot [In Use By Shiro Lore]
-18th Character Slot [In Use By Thanatos Adravendi]
-19th Character Slot
-20th Character Slot
-21st Character Slot
-22nd Character Slot
-23rd Character Slot
-24th Character Slot
-25th Character Slot
-26th Character Slot
-27th Character Slot
-28th Character Slot
-29th Character Slot
-30th Character Slot

Character Slot Purchases

Three Character Slots Purchased 2/21/14 [#12, #13, #14]
One Character  Slot Purchased 2/23/14 [#15]
One Character  Slot {Paid By Azzy} Purchased 2/27/14 [#16]
One Character  Slot Purchased 5/21/14 [#17]
One Character Slot Purchased 6/10/14 [#18]
One Character  Slot Purchased 6/29/14 [#19]
One Character  Slot Purchased 7/17/14 [#20]
One Character  Slot Purchased 9/22/14 [#21]
One Character  Slot Purchased 11/20/14 [#22]
One Character Slot Purchased 4/9/15 [#23]
One Character Slot Purchased 4/24/15 [#24]
One Character Slot Purchased 4/29/15 [#25]
One Character Slot Purchased 9/12/15 [#26]
One Character Slot Puchased 9/26/15 [#27]
One Character Slot Purchased 12/19/15 [#28]
One Character Slot Purchased 12/19/15 [#29]
One Character Slot Purchased 1/16/16 [#30]

Companion Purchase