

Bronze i


12 Years
06-17-2013, 05:44 PM (This post was last modified: 06-17-2013, 05:44 PM by Bronze i.)

Their brief encounters had been rather short, brief, filled with bits of small talk and not much more. How could he possible express the confusion he had felt? He had promised her he would care for her, and make sure she recovered -- and he had, but not the kind of emotional care she likely needed. He always made sure she was well fed, that no new scars were visible on her body, that she was generally well-off all around. Gaining some weight that she had lost. Remaining overall intact and unharmed.

"I understand all too well," he answered softly. Her eyes avoided his own; he did not blame her for not wanting to look into his vacant stare. "I was born far, far north of these lands. The cold is comforting to me, as well, even if it is painful to others." He was perpetually drawn to the mountains, to the towering peaks that seemed forever capped in snow. And yet he had settled down here-- and once again, wanderlust had begun to seep through, tearing at his very core, making him vaguely uncomfortably and anxious.

Loccian's words were tinged with sadness, a loneliness that was undeniable. She admitted she felt as though she was losing the connection she had with this place -- did she mean Seracia? "I'm sorry I've not been here for you as much as I should have," he apologized finally, his voice stoic and low in volume. "I've been feeling a bit lost myself." But honestly, when did he not?

Her eyes fixated on him again, and he was the one who averted his gaze this time, focusing instead on the brilliant night sky. How he longed for the days when he was alone, focused merely on survival, growing hardened and unfamiliar with such painful emotions. But would he really give up such companionship for his former life, it being so difficult? "Slipping out from under my very paws," she commented softly, and he felt his gaze lower, eyelids narrowing so only the slightest slit of his eyes shone beneath. Silently he lowered himself to the earth beside her, back pressed against the wood of the barn, a gentle sigh escaping his jaws. "Has to get worse before it gets better," he mused, his voice deep and slow.