
The world's a gun



10 Years
Dragon Mod
08-18-2016, 08:29 PM
Blood touched his tongue, a snarl leaving his lips. While he may not have gotten purchase upon the silver males windpipe, at least he'd given him a good bite to the left side of his opponents neck. Xephyris would rip himself away, and Enigma would click his teeth shut for no more then a second before his teeth were bared and jaws gaping all over again to keep himself protected. His previous shoulder attack had missed the mark of dislocation, and had hit Xephyris' chest instead. Mild bruising would be the result, but it did little to nothing to hinder him, even when Xephyris' own shoulder struck him in the forechest leaving behind moderate bruising.

When Xephyris pulled away, Enigma would take the opportunity to keep his defenses in check. Hackles raised along his body, his eyes kept narrowed and zeroed in on his opponent. His teeth remained bared, muzzle wrinkling as the skin bunched up around his face to add further protection around his eyes. His head lowered slightly to align with his spine, tail flagging out for balance and to align as well. His weight had redistributed evenly across all four limbs, joints bent to allow him to move at the slightest provocation. Toes splayed across the dirt, nails biting the ground for traction. He tucked his chin over his throat, shoulders rolling forward while his scruff rolled with his movements to add more protection. Lastly, ears pinned tightly to his head, though a torn ear was the least of his concerns anyway.

Finally, when Xephyris moved, Enigma was ready. He would continue to meet his opponent with all the fury he had, and when the silver man came in low, Enigma aimed high. He would raise his front half up, weight redistributing over his hind legs as they remained coiled. His tail tucked to protect his belly, abdomen muscles tensing to make it harder for Xephyris to gain a hold. While enigma knew he was taking a risk with this, it might also bode well for him. With his movement, he had saved his leg from becoming crippled. Instead, Xephyris' left shoulder would strike just underneath his (Enigma's) rib cage, and the alabaster male grunted as yet another moderate bruise blossomed there as well. His movements would completely displace his opponents bite and attempt at crushing his toes as his left foreleg was no longer in the line of fire.

It all felt like it was slow motion, but in reality, it was all happening in seconds. And that's all it would take for Enigma to bear down on his opponent. Turning his body slightly towards his left so that he was directly over his opponent, he would allow his weight to drop, the alabaster male attempting to smash most of his weight upon Xephyris' head and back, aiming to pin the bastard beneath him and drive the breath from his adversaries lungs. His forelegs aimed to wrap around each side of the man, to grapple him and secure a foreleg behind both of Xephyris' elbows. His left foreleg would aim to secure itself just behind Xeph's elbow, and his right foreleg would aim to secure behind the left elbow. He wanted to try and restrict as much of his opponents movement as he could, and with this being the first time he'd ever tried this, it would be seen as to whether or not it was a hit or miss.

Finally, jaws unhinged as his head tilted slightly to the right. He sought to dig his fangs into the center of Xephyris' back and deliver a crushing bite to the man's spine. Bottom fangs would seek to find purchase on the left side of Xephyris' spine and top fangs sought to dig into the right side. He wanted to taste blood, to hear the man wail in pain and regret his decisions. His hind legs spread slightly, toes splayed and claws biting the dirt to keep his stance as even as he could. He would make this man pay!

Enigma VS Xephyris for MAIM: FACIAL SCARRING
Round 2/3


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