
It's My Lucky Day



8 Years
08-18-2016, 10:42 AM

The situation was more than a bit awkward, she had to admit. But she was still really glad Luck had come to her aid. She wasn't sure how she would have gotten that thorn out otherwise. She got as comfortable as she could, smiling in apology at the healer as she neared her rump. Her cream colored tail was tucked securely between her legs, in an attempt to make the whole experience a little less weird. But she still felt her face flushing as Luck nosed around her rump, searching for the bramble. To distract herself, Solveiga went to work on her own paws, removing a few small thorns with her teeth. There were two in her left paw pad, and a particularly nasty one between the toes in her right. She removed each one carefully and tried not to think about what the other healer was doing. She applied the dandelion to her paws and nodded at Luck as she gave an apology in advance. Then, with one sharp movement, the thorn was out. Solveiga let out a yelp and then sighed a bit in relief as dandelion was applied there as well.

"Thank you, Luck." She laughed shyly. "Don't worry about disinfecting anything, I'm pretty sure I have a bit of trillium left in my alcove," Solveiga said, bending her body to check her back paws for thorns. In the process, she found a pretty bad one just below the joint in her leg.

"I think I'll need help with this one, here," she said softly, gesturing to it with her nose. It was too far back for her to get with her own teeth. If she tried, she would probably tug it sideways and worsen the injury.

"Talk" "You" Think