
Melted Away



7 Years

08-18-2016, 04:02 PM

Even though he was pretty much in the process of retiring, he didn't slack off on his duties. Well... anymore. He still made sure to patrol the borders and make sure that their scent markers were strong, but he wasn't pushing training on anyone. Either way, there would be someone taking his place and he didn't want to start up these things only to have their new leader change the pace. It was kind of scary, the thought of not having Abaven. He was six years old now, he had run the pack for most of his life. It had been so long since he had been without the duties of an alpha, he was sure that he wouldn't know what to do with himself. There would be far too much time on his paws that he would have no idea what to do with. Letting out a sigh, he turned his attention to the rapids.

It didn't take long for him to cross from the plains to the rapids, and soon enough he was making his way around the perimeter. When he grew closer to the rushing water, an unfamiliar scent cross his path. His hackles rose right away as his head whipped up, golden eyes narrowing to scan the horizon. Soon enough he spotted her sofy blue and white head bopping along the shore of the rapids. A snarl passed through his lips as he stalked towards her, keeping his body low to the ground. She seemed to be moving through his lands without a care, his lips curling upwards into a snarl. He realized that he didn't want to startle her though, if he scared her she might slip and be washed away. Vivid memories of the flood came rushing back, and he had to shake his head to scatter them before Chrono's death played in front of him again. He had to come at this woman from in front, so that she could see him coming. He shook his head softly, all this trouble for someone who was intruding on pack lands.

Bass turned back the way that he had come, keeping low to the ground as he loped some distance ahead of her. He then stood up, turned back and started walking on the shore, his eyes glued on her features. Soon enough he was close, his tail rose up and curled around his rump, and he wagged it a few times to try and catch her eye. "You are trespassing on pack lands, miss. You need to turn back and head where you came from," he said with a low growl, his hackles still on end.
