
Summer Days, Driftin' Away



4 Years
08-18-2016, 06:55 PM

Sigleif was roasting in under the brutality of the sun. They'd been wandering more or less in the direction of... well... She wasn't actually sure. She had had such a troublesome time keeping track of her siblings that it was hard to do much else than keep them in one place and keep them fed. To say it was stressful was an understatement, and to see she'd come to value her peaceful alone time was a joke because she didn't have any of that. In fact, the silence that surrounded her just then was somewhat unnerving. She tipped her head back in a youthful howl, gentle enough to not carry far, but her siblings had such a bad habit of wandering off that anything else took a day and a half. Besides, she was hungry. Where in the hellish realms was Sindre? They would need to catch something new for tonight. Sig was starving, the little ones were eating more and more, and ultimately they still weren't much use at hunting. She sighed, hoping that changed any day now. Why couldn't time just go faster?

For now, the midday sun had her pinned down beneath it's oppressive heat. This lake was as nice a place as any to linger, though the water source in this weather was drawing plenty of visitors. Some were edible but many were not. Luckily she and Sindre were getting bigger every day, she just wished her siblings took the care to stick closer to the shore like she'd asked. The young titan forced her way to her feet and skittered quickly to the lake shore, taking yet another draw from the lukewarm pool and scanning the coast for sign of something noteworthy.

"Talk" "You" Think