
Lost in the constellations



9 Years
08-19-2016, 12:39 AM

Where was that woman? Why had she been roaming away from Myriad territory for so long? He'd been needing to speak with her for some time, and now he needed her more than ever. While the damsel was off gallivanting about, the pack was crumbling, in desperate need of the participation of every sturdy, able-bodied wolf. Still beyond all of that, Xephyris was lonely. He was a man of duty, and keeping himself busy was normally very fulfilling. With his new rank, his responsibilities were mounting, keeping him occupied more than ever. But with all that was happening - the unpredictability of certain pack members, enemies prowling their boundaries, and Soleil angrier than ever at him... He just needed someone else to take all of his worries away. The silver-toned male wasn't one to crumble under stress, but he'd simply been taking on too much while feeling like he had no one to turn to.

Surprisingly, he'd caught wind of her scent here in the East. He'd recognize her scent anywhere. Perking, he decided he would follow her trail - since he'd seen neither hair no hide of her in ages, he wasn't going to lose her now. Her tracks were stale and worn in places, but he knew he would eventually come across fresher prints. He found himself at Fontamo Bay, his paws shifting in the sand, the ocean waves gently lapping at the shore in the distance. The summer sun shining down on the exposed beach, the air had become thick and humid, messing with the scent he was following. No, he couldn't lose it now. Picking up his pace, he found himself ascending, crossing over rocks, before descending again into a small, secluded cove nestled into the beach line. He glanced around, but he didn't see her yet. Was she even here? Maybe she had moved on already.

Sighing, his large paws carried him down to the sand until his toes touched the water. His head held high, he looked one way and then the other, silver eyes scouting the unoccupied beach. Where was he going to look next if she wasn't here? He needed to find the whimsical gypsy.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]