
Master of Puppets



6 Years

08-19-2016, 03:11 AM

Faite watched the female as she returned her own name. Verana smirked and Faite felt no pleasure in this meeting so far. The more Verana spoke the more the russet colored female felt on edge and it wasn't often she was given this feeling. She'd learned to trust her instincts when she was on her own and so far she was trusting them here. While Verana hadn't done anything outwardly to show that Faite should dislike her, it didn't mean that Faite trusted her. A wary and watchful eye was kept on the other wolf at all times and she put her guard up. Muscles were tense in case anything happened.

"What are you doing all by yourself? Seems a little dangerous for a girl as small as you to be out and about without a protector."

She felt a severe amount of irritation well within her when Verana said this. Her nose wrinkled slightly. When wolves looked at Faite they might see a small and weak girl who was tiny and unable to defend herself. She viewed herself as tiny and mighty. Just because she was small in stature meant she couldn't pack a punch when she needed to. So with a fire in her eyes and a fair amount of sass she answered the woman.

"Just because I'm small does not mean I'm weak." She retorted. "It's not nice to underestimate wolves. You'd be surprised how much ass kicking they can do." Probably not the wisest thing to say, but she didn't appreciate being undermined.

She spoke in whatever language it was she spoke and Faite's irritation grew. For all she knew she could be talking shit and Faite wouldn't know. Of course she could always revert to her family's tongue and return the favor but she decided against it. Instead she'd focus on the question that had been launched at her. Why did she want to know? Regardless she'd answer it all the same.

"I've sparred before and I know my way around a fight." She said confidently, rising to her paws as she no longer felt comfortable in Verana's presence. She was on edge, but was doing her best to hide it. Instead she lifted her paws slightly off the ground acting like she was trying to get some feeling back into them. She didn't buy the concern in her gaze or the way she cocked her head as if she actually cared.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]