


06-17-2013, 08:17 PM

The tension slipped from her lover as she eased his mind, making him believe everything indeed was okay. How could she not comfort him so? His pain was her pain and there were few things that ripped at the white gal's heart more than the suffering of others. It was why she had chosen to become a medic, that and her love for plants.

At her quiet request for more puppies, Collision nodded adamantly. Apparently, he didn't mind that idea. Not at all. As he pressed against her small frame, showering her with loving kisses, Soleil giggled a bit. Of course he didn't mind more puppies. He was a male.

She worried her timing were off with her last words as Collision stilled. His ears folding back, for a moment silent. When he grunted she sighed with relief. At least that was out of the way. She assumed Collision would go with her, though he said nothing. He was her protector, in his eyes no one could keep her safer than he could. That was likely true. No one was as tightly wound to her as he. That was how it was meant to be. Soleil and Collision.

She still remembered the day they met. Two wolves in the middle of nothing. Happen chance brought them together. She was a lone wolf, freshly set out from her family to find independence. Funny how she found more dependency in the end. To Valhalla and more so to Collision. Where would she stand without him?

Suddenly Collision was pawing her. She was bumped backward with each delicate blow. His kisses never ceasing, Soleil let herself rollover onto the ground so that she was belly up. Her tail instinctively curling between her legs, not purposely submissive. Tongue lulled out in a heavy pant hoping to calm the fire burning under her skin. Her body ached for Collision. She reached her paws up playing at his face before rolling out from under him and jumping to her feet.

She let out a musical howl, one that was sure to tell of her joyful mood and maybe more. She didn't care, all of Valhalla could know what she was doing right now. In this private moment between man and wife, the outside world didn't exist. She cut off, brushing her body along Collision, running his fur the wrong way. An arch developing in her back like a cat. "I love you." She whispered as she reached near his ear, nibbling at his neck. As she finally drew away him, she moved in front of him, knowing what could only come next.

Every last bit of Soleil would become Collision's. It didn't make her feel inferior in anyway but instead empowered, able, desired, and probably most important there and then: turned on.

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