
Master of Puppets



6 Years

08-19-2016, 05:04 AM
Faite Adravendi

ooc: Four feet between them at the start before the fight was agreed upon by Leah and myself.

A snarl slowly began forming upon her maw and Faite was glad she'd decided to stand up. The part about being nice caused her fur to stand on end and a growl rumbled slowly in her chest as the woman moved to stand four feet in front of her. Her tail automatically flagged out parallel to the ground and her legs slowly slid evenly part. Toes splayed and claws dug into the ground to find purchase where she could on the lava rock as Verana mentioned that her coat needed a scar. A louder growl erupted from her muzzle this time. "I'd like to see you try!"

Faite's head lowered now and she tucked her chin in to protect her most vital parts. Knees bent slightly and muscles tensed as she was prepared to move whatever way she needed to in preparation for Verana's attacks. For once she was glad she was smaller. It meant Verana had more to hit than her and Faite was confident in her agility. It also meant she had to worry less about her stomach and more about being bowled over. She'd have to use any advantage she could get.

Hackles raised and shoulders rolled forward so that the loose skin bunched up around her neck. Ears lay flat on her head now and her snarl wrinkled her muzzle up so that the skin bunched around her eyes for the extra protection as she narrowed her eyes to slits.

Verana charged at her and Faite knew that to be rushed on by a larger opponent and try and take that on would be suicide. So using her agility to her advantage, Faite sidestepped to the right to avoid the brunt of the attack. Instead Verana rammed into Faite's left shoulder and she could have sworn she saw stars spring to her eyes with the pain that blossomed. She knew she'd have moderate to severe bruising there when it was all said and done, but it was better than being barreled over.

She'd felt jarred with the slam that Verana had dealt, but her back legs took the most of the force behind Verana's shove. The muscles tightened as she strained against the weight before she attempted to step to the left once more to move away from Verana. She soon realized that this would be nothing like fighting her mother.

Due to her half dodge earlier she'd managed to avoid Verana's front legs being wrapped around her. This gave her some open space to do her own attacks, though not much. With Verana closer to her right side now it meant she had leeway to Verana's left side and she couldn't help but notice the scar now. She lunged forward and jaws attempted to tear into Verana's scarred side right between the gap of the two scars with bone crushing force. She anted to rip and tear into her with a fury she'd never felt before. At the same time she felt teeth clamp into her neck right where the neck and the shoulder blade met. It probably wasn't Verana's intended target due to their changed positioning, but she hit it nonetheless. Pain now laced through her neck now as teeth tore into her causing a moderate amount of damage. Instinct told her to pull away, but instead she attempted to shove herself to the right to try and shove a shoulder into Verana's face to either jar and/or wound her. At the same time she rose her front right paw, her weight distributing evenly to the other three legs, and then tried slamming it down on Verana's right back paw to try and break her toes.

-:: Faite vs Verana for Maiming:: Verana's right side
Round 1/3

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]