
hit me with your best shot

Mercy I


5 Years

08-19-2016, 01:00 PM

Ever since her run in with Avalon, she had been lingering up north for a little bit. Mercy wasn't too keen on heading back down to the south, there were too many bad memories down there that she didn't feel like dealing with. She hadn't seen Gethin in awhile either, but she steeled her heart to that. It was just like she thought it would be, the moment she opened up, they left. It's always what happened. Sure, she had wandered off first, but he hadn't even tried to look for her. She sighed, walking through the forest. There was no snow on the ground here, but it was at least cooler than it was everywhere else. Her white coat wasn't as bad as a black one, but since she had been hanging up north a lot, her fur was rather thick and plushy. It would take some time for it to go back to her thin summer pelt. Weaving through the pines, she wasn't really looking for anything in particular. Or... looking at all. Her eyes were on the horizon, and she wasn't looking where she was going. Wrapping around one of the trees, she tripped over something and landing on her neck with a thump. Growling, she jumped to her paws and whipped around, seeing what had gotten in her way. When she saw that it was another wolf, she backed up, blinking her purple eyes slowly. Oh dear, that wasn't the most graceful entrance... Looking at the larger, darker female, she gave an embarrassing smile, her elongated tail raising to wag behind her. Mercy was usually a very graceful wolf, it wasn't often that she was knocked down like that. "Umm... hi," she said softly, her cheeks growing hot under her white fur. Really, this was so out of character for her.


Art by endless-adventure

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.