
This land is our land



7 Years

08-19-2016, 06:54 PM

As he waited, the anxiety only grew in his stomach. Would Lark hate him for all of this? Or were his kids also striving for a more stable home life? As much as he had tried to stop it, there seemed to be a lot of drama that went on within the pack. Would they be glad that they had nothing to worry about but themselves now? Bass' heart started to pound in his chest, fear slowly creeping up his spine. The last thing he wanted to do was make his kids hate him, they already had one parent out of the picture. He was trying his best to do enough work for them, and to teach them all that they needed to learn. He knew that he had failed with the girls, and his sons really, to teach them anything about love and sex. He had been so awkward about the whole thing, it was Wren who finally had to explain things to him when Venus was having sex on his borders with a stranger. His own parents hadn't been around, since he had made the choice to go off in search of his siblings. That is what brought him to this place, the random idea that he wanted to be a leader came soon after that. He still remembered when he claimed the plains and the rapids, the amount of pride that had filled him up at that moment. And now? Where had that all gone? Was it fully disappeared, or did it just shift to his children? Taking a shaky breath, he tried to shake everything away.

When Lark showed up, he looked up at his darker coloured son, a smile crossing his weary lips. A simple greeting was spoken, before he asked him how he was. Bass could only sigh, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. How could he even start this conversation? He was nervous, and to be honest... terrified. Gathering his courage, he looked into Lark's minty eyes that reminded him of his mother so much, before finally breaking the silence. "To be honest, Lark, I'm tired. I am getting old, and I think the duties of keeping this pack active and alive are beyond me now. I keep trying to make Abaven what I want it to be, but I don't think I can achieve that anymore," he paused, studying his stoic face. Was he going to despise his own father after this? "While talking to Karabela, she mentioned wanting to lead a pack of her own. I mentioned that she could have Abaven, and turn it into something new. The drive to be an alpha just isn't there for me anymore. I want to be free to spend my days with you kids, before my age really starts to show. Since the moment you were all born, I had to be an alpha before a father. Maybe that's why your mother left... perhaps she wanted more," Bass' ears folded back, his shoulders sagging. For the first time, he allowed himself to look as fully tired as he felt, as old as he felt. "I feel like I have failed you guys as both your alpha, and most importantly, as your father. I think... I think giving up leadership will give me the free time I have always wanted to be with you. It's about time that I retire and just enjoy my life, instead of struggling to keep a family and a pack going."

The pale man paused, looking down for a moment before his eyes wandered back up to Lark. "I once talked to you about taking over Abaven at one point, at training to be my heir. You have first claim to this pack and everything in it, before anyone else. If this is not something that interests you... I would like your blessing to pass it down to Karabela and allow her to do what she wants with it. We could join her, or stay here in the plains and not leave home. She plans on moving the pack nearby, but none of the lands that I have had a claim on. We all grew up here, even myself, and I never want to leave it. But... you kids would be free to do as you please. I can't really keep you all here." Bass finally fell silent, inspecting the boy before him.

"Talk" "You" Think