
Creed x Kavdaya Puppies!



3 Years
08-19-2016, 08:56 PM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2016, 01:25 PM by Luck.)
OOC Name: Lolaf
Name: Glory (Later Prestige)
Gender: Trans-Male (Assigned Female at birth)
Design Number: #4
Alignment: Lawful Good

Appearance Description:

Glory, later to be known as Prestige, did not unfortunately win the genetic lottery when it comes to passing as male. The child will first and foremost be lithe, much to his chagrin seemingly unable to bulk up despite his best attempts to. As he ages he will be begin to develop further, slight curves and a more delicate feminine shape coming to bear upon his frame. He is not a big wolf by any standard of the imagination, only growing to be 32 inches he will at least be taller than his mother. However if there is one saving grace it is that much of his overall shape will be affected by the sheer volume of his fur. Like his parent's before him the child will be massively fluffy, and as he grows he will do his best to keep his fur unkempt so as to help hide his physique.  

His wild pelt will truly be a sight to behold; and is mercifully more reminiscent of his father. A rich cream will be the base for his legacy to play upon. A lighter cream, near white, will mark him; starting from the base of his skull and down the back of his neck, extending out towards his limbs as it goes, where it will curve along his shoulders and down his forelegs, pulling back at the elbow briefly to color his shins all the way down to his paws completely. The color will mark both his back and his stomach in equal measure, coloring the front of his rear limbs to match his forepaws in the case of the latter and covering all but the underside of the base of his tail at the former.

The light color will be broken only by a deep, solid black color, wrapping around the nape of his neck just above his shoulders, the same color will blaze briefly across his chest. Black is the color at the tip of his ears and the blaze running from the very front of his muzzle all the way up to between his eyes. Under each brilliant eyes will be a long black streak that pulls both towards the corner of his eyes to fade smoothly into cream and down his face; the latter of which is also ringed by the same pale cream as the majority of his body.

His gaze when not turned to the ground will be stunning. The right eye will be a brilliant pink color a deep purple swirling around his iris to make the color rather indescribable; even that will be out done by his left eye however, the same brilliant pink color almost drowned out by mingling blue and green and purple to leave his gaze looking bright even when his gaze is down turned.

His voice will at first be loud and full of joy, tinged with the innocent tones of a child as of yet unquestioning. As he grows however it will become soft and unused, turning first sultry and then aggressively gruff as he forces the image of a man upon a listener, desperate to banish the idea of a woman from his very being.

Personality Description:

As a child Glory who will be called Prestige will show all outward signs of being a happy, healthy pup. Which will be true, the boy will quickly grow to be a jokester, a lame pun quick to fall from his tongue or a silly face or gesture always ready to lighten the mood. His laugh will be omnipresent during his puphood.

He will play with his siblings in a manner expected of a child, with wild abandon. He has little care or worry, and will remain in that state for those blissful early months. Unfortunatly as he nears one year of age his smiles will be less sincere. He will make a serious effort to try and appear the same as he was a care free child, with varying results. Under the bright smiles he is deeply insecure, battling with himself, his inner demons telling him he will never be accepted for who he is.

As he continues to develop and will be given a chance to choose his path in life, the life of a warrior will draw him in, to his eyes it will be masculine, something he can do to try and pass. He will throw his whole being into being the best he can be, seeking achievements and approval.

In the end what sort of a wolf he will be will depends on the acceptance of those around him. Should he be accepted he will make a return to the cheer of his pup hood, the smiles once more sincere.

Should he face rejection he will become standoffish, defiant, a deep brooding anger taking hold of who he used to be; all traces of that once joyful pup erased from his being.


When Prestige gets to the age of one I can see him really throwing himself into the role of being a warrior, he'll want to try and be one of the best, which might not be an achievable goal for him... it'd be interesting to play around with that. I was thinking he could go on a bit of a soul searching journey or meet other wolves that sort of help him to realize who he is. Ultimately I'd love for him to find someone who loves and accepts him and for him to eventually settle down.

Roleplay Sample:

Glory groaned and rolled over, flailing his legs dramatically as he did so, so that they hit the ground with a thud. Outside the den the the enticing scent of fresh rain and the pounding sound of surfaces being pelted by falling water reminding the pup why he wasn't allowed outside. He sneezed, sniffed then went back to groaning and rolling and flailing. It just wasn't fair! How come he had to be sick? How come he had to stay in the den, all alone while everyone else got to go out and play, in the mud and wet.

No! He wasn't going to stand for his! Today he was playing kingdom and he was the king! That meant he could do whatever he wanted. Rolling onto his paws Glory peeked outside the den, nose getting wet from the run off of the roof of the den. He couldn't see anyone outside and the smell of rain made it impossible to smell anyone else. With a spurt of courage the pup pelted beyond the entrance and out into the wet.

He immediately stopped to play in the first mud puddle he could find, splashing and jumping around as the sticky substance began to cover his legs and underbelly. The falling rain and the clinging mud flattened his usually wild pelt into a shape much more akin to that of his mother's. When he grew thoroughly tired of the puddle Glory took a seat, tongue lolling. He sneezed and coughed and spotting his reflection in the puddle frowned.

The pup began to furiously roll on the ground, intent on mussing up his fur once more, a twist in his stomach urging him to hide the shape he saw in his reflection. His fun now thoroughly ruined the wet, mud covered pup trudged back into the den more miserable than before he had left. It turned out his mood would only worsen as the day went on, it would be impossible to hide his little adventure from his parents as there was no other explanation for the mud caked into his fur, nor the leaves and grasses that were stuck to him. Not only that but his cold would worsen, which would mean even more days spent inside the den.

It would be a few days later that he would feel well enough to finally actually admit that his adventure had maybe not been the smartest choice he had ever made. Though never out loud, and certainly not this parents.
[Image: BNLxEGJ.png]