
Dad, I'm unsure



9 Years
Athena I
08-19-2016, 11:21 PM

Leo chuckled softly at Heather when she pointed out that there wasn't even any clouds for her to be watching in the first place. "What can I say? Your dad is a silly, silly wolf. And mildly unobservant." He offered her another amused grin before he looked up at the sky for a moment. It was indeed a very clear day out today, which was nice. He very rarely was able to take the time to just lay back in the sun and breathe any more. His mismatched ears twitched at the sound of her voice when she spoke up again, posing a very philosophical question for someone so young. His brows raised in surprise and he turned his head to look at his daughter again. "I'll let you know as soon as I figure out what to do with mine," he replied with a small smile. It was always his natural reaction to approach these kinds of things with humor, but he realized his daughter probably wanted a more realistic answer than that. He sighed softly and tried to give her a more genuine look of interest and concern. "But really, sweetheart... The beauty of being a free thinking being is being able to do whatever you want to do. I know we try to sort wolves into categories for the purposes of the pack, but you don't have to try and fall into one particular one. I never felt like I was the strongest hunter or fighter. I never had anyone around when I was young to teach me healing. I decided my strength was in communication and leading so here I am, leading Fiori like Grandma had." He reached forward with his nose to lightly boop her nose with his and give her a loving smile. "Why do you ask, darling? You're too young to be worrying about such a heavy topic."

"Talk" "You" Think