
Lost in the constellations



6 Years

08-20-2016, 12:27 AM

When they first fell over, the monochrome woman did not miss the look of anger flash in his eyes. It just made her smile, he had always had quite the temper. She wouldn't be fazed if he snapped at her, it was something she could take in stride. She was used to it as well, traveling with the troupe she would run into a lot of different personalities. She had also grown a lot in the past few seasons, she was no longer cautious like she had been at first. Jae had grown into herself, and being alone had taught her a thing or two about surviving. It would seem that when she spoke though, his mood shifted rather quickly. Blinking at him, she pulled herself off and stood in front of him, her bells chiming along with every move that she made. Her head tilted to the side as he said her name in a rather soft tone, throwing her off a bit. She was more than aware of the bits of flirting that had gone on between the two of them, but it shocked her to hear him speak in such a calm, gentle tone. That wasn't the feisty knight she had met back in Myraid, but something else completely. Had something changed to make him more vulnerable? While this was all going through her head, she didn't realize that he put himself between her and her scarf, she was too wrapped up in the mystery that was Xephyris. And then he did something else that caught her off guard, his muzzle brushing softly against hers. She felt a heat rush to her cheeks, something that was not very like her. She was often prepared for things like this with great comebacks, but she was drawing a blank right now. She blinked several times, having to shake her head to break out of her trance. A smile slowly spread across her lips as he leaned back, a soft laugh leaving her lips. "Well now, I guess distance does make the heart grow stronger," she said with laugh.

When the silver male said that he was out here for her, her head tilted to the side. Why would he come searching for her? Didn't he have a precious little thing back in Myraid to keep company? She was intent on his features, his subtle paw movement going without notice. She giggled when he brought up the fact that it got turned around. She didn't bring up the fact that she had almost drowned, that would not be something that he liked to hear. He would probably get mad at her and tell her to stop being to clumsy. But then he said something about a souvenir, and once again she was left confused. That was, until he bent down and wrapped her scarf around him. She let out a sharp bark, dancing after him. Her one paw was sore when she pushed down, but she just shoved that thought aside. She had kicked a rock, it was probably just a bruise. "You're not even wearing it right! If you want to make a good get away, at least put it on properly!" she said with a laugh. She had to admit, he looked rather good with the piece of cloth draped around him. Maybe she should go off and find one for her silver knight, as a token of all their good times together. But before she could reach him to fix it, he was right back in front of her again, looking at her paw. What, what? Concern touched his voice when he said that she was bleeding, to which she raised her paw and looked at it. Little beads of blood pooled at the bottom of her paw pad, gathering in a large droplet before painting the sand crimson. "Oh... I guess I am," Jaelle's voice was rather calm, it wasn't unusual that she found random bruises and cuts on herself, with her clumsy paws always tripping up under her. The splotched woman was rather touched though, that he was suddenly so worried about her. She wouldn't mind being fawned over for a little bit, she had been on her own for some time now. When he asked what she did, she sat on her rump, hurt paw still in the air, and thought back. "It was probably when the pretty clam decided that I looked tasty and took a bite of my paw. And almost made me drown," Oops. She turned down and quickly looked at him, her mismatched eyes growing wide. She had not wanted to mention that. When he went on to ask if she was okay, she was very tempted to play it up, but that would probably not go well with the fact that she had just admitted what had happened. She shrugged her shoulders casually, searching his face with her unmatching eyes. "I'm fine, I've had a lot worse happen."

Art by Fox

Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.