
Face To The Floor



4 Years
08-20-2016, 01:21 AM

It hadn't been long after his talk with Heather that Lionel felt the need to spend some time with their father. He knew leaving with Heather, if she did decide to go, was out of the question so he'd already come to the resolve he was going to train with her. To help her out though he needed to do some training of his own and he already decided to learn everything he could. Hunting was a given, every wolf needed to know how to hunt, and fighting he felt was necessity as well. He was even sure he could dabble in healing as well, but the idea of pack affairs interested him too. He liked being around others and talking and communicating with other packs and being an ambassador when he was older (even if it wasn't an actual rank) sounded like fun too. It'd give him the option to explore and learn - something he was keen on doing. He wanted to know everything even if learning everything was an impossible task. He was determined.

It'd only been a season since they'd turned one, but lately he'd felt like they hadn't spent enough time with Leo. He was aware that leading a pack was busy work and kept their russet father occupied most days. Still he was going to see if he could slide in some time for everyone. He also had a few questions to launch at Leo if he was given the opportunity.

It was unusually hot lately. This was only his second summer, but he couldn't remember the last one being quite this hot. The falls offered some relief and now more than ever Lionel was glad that Leo had decided to switch their territory over from the hot springs to the falls. It was a place he found himself heading to often and today was no exception. He'd head towards the top of the falls, finding a nice shady spot to sit, before he raised his head and howled for Leo hoping with all his heart that he wasn't busy.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: Hr8G61Z.png]