
My Little Monster



6 Years

08-20-2016, 01:43 AM

Faite hadn't known what to do with her new "thing" since she'd acquired him. She'd taken away his freedoms and stripped him of his rights to go anywhere but her side. She found herself constantly eyeing him. She didn't trust the emaciated looking brute whatsoever and she knew the risks of bringing him home. She had little siblings at home and if he decided to try and take their eyeballs she was going to murder him. She just didn't like the idea of him running around and taking other wolves eyeballs. The idea of seeing a bunch of wolves running around like Falk without their eyesight unsettled her so she had decided this was for the best.

What would Regulus think?

She honestly hadn't thought about that when she'd let her head slip and she'd attacked him. She wasn't the type to force wolves into being a prisoner. She hadn't stopped to think if Regulus approved, but considering Surreal had been the one to lay down the laws it didn't seem like she'd been overly opposed to the idea within good reason. She'd just have to deal with everyone's opinions as they came.

For now she'd slide past the borders and motion with her tail for her fucked up new "friend" to follow her. She'd already explained to him what she expected. He wasn't to leave the pack lands without an escort and should someone see him sneaking off someone they would have permission to do whatever was necessary to detain him. If that meant breaking a leg so he couldn't run off then she was serious about it. She was still a little pissed he hadn't fought back and that unsettled her even more. What wolf wouldn't fight for their own freedom? He'd just rolled back and let her Her shoulder still throbbed from the bruise from when she'd rammed him now that she thought about it.

The rest of the rules were simple. He was to help hunt, he wasn't allowed to do border patrols without someone else, and above all he was to respect the other wolves of the pack and avoid the pups. He was to attend all meetings called and help out as a normal pack wolf. He'd sleep in the communal den with her so she could keep an eye on him and past that, if he was good, he wouldn't hear shit from her. And maybe we can fatten him up and clean him. He looks pitiful. She thought to herself. That was probably the only good thing that would come out of this for him. He'd get food and a nice place to seem.

She'd stop not too far into the territory and howl. It wasn't a commanding howl, but it was forever who was nearby that wished to meet him. She wanted to inform them all of their prisoner so they could learn to be wary of him. If they didn't come now then she'd mention it at the next meeting they had as it wasn't worth calling a meeting for it now since they'd just had one.

She'd lower her head and then turn her head to look at Ritsy. "You're to behave. No talk of taking eyeballs." She commanded, giving him a stern look, before her attention shifted to the horizon to wait to see if anyone came.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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