
Are we out of the woods?



6 Years

08-20-2016, 04:41 PM

The statue boy was real! He stood up and took a few steps towards her, making a comment and a boar. She fell silent for a moment, before a soft giggle left her lips. She picked up a paw and fanned herself, a grin spreading across her inky lips. "Oh my, a festering boar? It would seem that you are quiet the gentlemen who knows just how to please the ladies," she winked her blue eye at him, her tail swishing behind her as her bells called out once again. "If you want to come and inspect my bells, you can do so. I won't bite you, or run you over." she laughed again at her rather terrible joke, not at all fazed by his outwardly rude words. After all, she had been around Sifi for a large portion of her life. That was back when she was much more afraid, but still equally as clumsy. Sifi was probably the rudest and meanest wolves that she had met to this day, but she still loved and missed her dearly. She actually tolerated Jaelle's jokes and teasing, to a point. She also had the splotched woman to thank for her ability to ignore and not be offended by comments such as the one the stranger had just offered her.

She eyed him, able to see more of his coat now that he proved he was a living and breathing wolf, not just a smelly stone. She noticed that the blue flaked through his coat, with darker patches adorning him. He could fit right into her old troupe, he seemed to have the mannerism for it as well. Him and Sifi would have gotten along swimmingly. She knew that she was staring, but she didn't care too much. Her head tilted this way and that as she got a closer look at him, her head nodding like she was liking what she was seeing. "Your rather stunning, you know. Too bad you don't have the personality to match," she teased, flashing him a large grin. Oops, had Jaelle just poked the sleeping bear? Her smile was sweet, and she blinked her eyes in an innocent way. She could dish it out and take it. But then he spoke of leaving because she was loud, and the woman pouted, putting on a rather hurt face. "Leaving so soon? I wouldn't want to take you from your perch, you seem to have made quite the nest for yourself," she said, pointing her nose in the direction of his oak tree. "You must have picked it not too long ago, you weren't here when I was last. I would know, because I bet you would have hunted me down to tell me to be quiet." Just one hook after another. He was probably going to just walk away, but where was the fun in that! Plus, he was rather nice to look at. Dancing from paw to paw, making her bells sing out with each step, she waited to see if he had anything else to say. From his comment before, probably. Jaelle had a feeling that other wolves didn't stick around too long to talk to him, maybe that's why he was so grumpy. Perhaps on the inside he was just a big ol' sap looking for a little TLC.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.