
A merry pair are we



Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamous
08-21-2016, 02:54 PM
The brute hit the ground hard and to Sabine's ears it sounded like he'd been wholly unprepared for it. That assumption filled her with satisfaction. Good. She hoped he was laying there with a fire between his legs and frustration burning up his heart. Desire burning her up or not, she could - and most certainly would - walk away if she thought that was the better win for her. Truly, in this situation the idea of giving him blue balls was equal to the pleasure of sex for her. She would do - or give up - anything for the chance to show him just how inferior he was.

She heard him rise and tensed for the onslaught of outrage and unfulfilled need that she was certain would come. To her surprise it didn't. Placating words reached her ears instead. Oh? That was a twist she hadn't expected. The opposite was usually said, but perhaps he thought better with his dick. Against her better judgement - she was willing to take a risk out of curiosity - Sabine let him creep into her personal space. He reached out and touched her chin, the humble gesture uncharacteristic for the proud and caustic brute. She could hear his shaky breathing. Her own was a little unsteady but she fought to tame it with him being so close.

"It was kind of nice, though, wasn't it...? There wasn't a snowball's chance in hell that she was going to admit that, even though it was true. It had been awhile since she'd been with someone. As of late she'd really only been deriving satisfaction from fighting. That wasn't quite the same. Sabine had liked the way he'd felt against her and she wasn't opposed to feeling him again, but if it happened at all it was going to be on her terms.

My, he was really laying it on thick, wasn't he? She wasn't going to complain. A little ego stroking would go a long ways. "I think you need to remind me of my place." Oh? Sweetly she reached down to touch his forehead with her lips. Her touch was gentle, almost loving, as she traced the slope of his head and slowly worked her way to his left ear. Once there she whispered, "I want you to beg." She then quickly reached out and sought to grab hold of the thin skin behind his ear with the intention of twisting it and pushing him to the ground. If he wanted to be tormented she would be more than happy to comply.

[Image: bK4cZNp.png]