
You will remember me

Katja the First


8 Years
08-21-2016, 03:54 PM (This post was last modified: 08-21-2016, 04:34 PM by Tealah.)
Katja made a noise deep in her throat at Avalon's rejoinder. "I am not interested in what kind of wolf you are, though your past associations do not paint you in any manner to intrigue anyhow." She truly was not interested in Avalon at all. Not her personality, not her pack, and not her fool reasons for trusting in a wolf who claimed to have been washed away from his pack and not returned. Washed away in a storm indeed - clearly he knew his way back to the north well enough if he was residing in the next land over. Though it did naught but make things easier on her, and was the smarter choice, she could not quite suppress the hint of contempt at how easily this alpha gave up her mate to another pack's justice, and an unknown punishment. Loyalty. No, Vereux did not deserve the loyalty of a mate and pack after his desertion, no more than did a rabid creature, but it was still a marked difference between the culture she knew and Ardent's. Yfir would never give up their own, regardless of the reasons.

She let her gaze slide to her daughter a moment, to rest upon the intent young face. What did Naudir make of this, she wondered. She, who like Katja herself had grown to a yearling having known nothing but the ways of the Finnvi viking, seeing for possibly the first time how very different other packs could be from them.

Silver gaze slipped back to Avalon as though it had never left. "Vereux Armada will be maimed so that he may never again use his faculties to spy and betray another pack. His eye will be slashed through, and, blinded, he will be truly dependent on the goodwill of whoever is willing to take him in despite his weak nature and physical handicap." Her muzzle twisted into what someone could be forgiven for mistaking for a toothy smile, certainly a rare and startling expression to see on the viking's face. "Call him here."