
Crash and BURN

Mercy I


5 Years

08-21-2016, 04:06 PM

Her anger just grew and grew. She knew that it was a mistake to come here, to test this alpha before her. But she had wanted a home, a place to belong and protect. Mercy had been a fool to think that anyone as weak as Avalon would prove to be any different. She was just like the rest of them. With a sinking feeling, she knew that she would never belong in another place like she had in Imperium. She was too angry, too bitter and quick to bite. She knew all these things, but had no real want to change. Never again would she have a place to call her home, not unless Valentine or one of his kids started a pack. The pale dame had no desire to lead a pack, she wouldn't be any good at it. But the blue giant had trusted her, given her a purpose and pushed her to do better. Avalon? She would probably keep her caged up, only letting her go when there was someone she wanted dead, or really hurt. The female was no ones lap dog, and she would beat this woman to the ground to show her that. She was not going to sit here and listen to her yammer on about how she knew nothing about respect. A snarl ripped through her throat, her head lowering as she stared down at the slightly larger woman. "I know a shit ton more about respect than you could ever hope to! I never made a threat against your children, but you can go burn in hell for all I care!" Mercy roared, her tail lashing behind her. The tree that she had been hiding before was still at her back, the ends of her tail brushing up against its rough bark.

The alpha kept making it worse and worse for herself, when Avalon called Mercy a rat, her insides boiled with her growing rage. Red clouded her vision, and she was no longer thinking straight. She was going to go after Lykos now, she had given away the fact that he had been talking to her. With narrowed eyes, a strange, icy calm seemed to cover the woman for a few moments. "A whole lot of respect he must have for you, if it was that easy for him to talk to me," she said, her tone as cold as ice. She bit her tongue from saying more, but it would have been so easy to say more. About how it was clear that he cared for Mercy, and the only reason that he had joined her stupid pack was that he felt like he needed to protect them. If he wasn't so fucking royal to the bitch that birthed him, he most likely would have stayed with her. At least, that's what she thought, and at one point what she wanted. "That kid is the only good that has ever come out of you opening your legs," she shot back, her body quaking with the burning emotions inside of her. Would the boy hate her now, now that she had betrayed him and opened her big fat mouth? Her biggest fear was being completely rejected in this world, although at one point she hadn't cared. But now, now that she saw what a relationship like that was like, she wanted to hold it close against her.

When Avalon spoke again, the strange calm that had covered her in ice completely shattered. Once again she was snarling, her lips curling back once more from her teeth. "I never asked to be looked up to! What a pathetic life, you must have had, to look up to a bitch like me. I never wanted anyone to be close to me, or to turn out like me. You think you have me all figured out, but you haven't got a fucking clue about me! You don't know half of the shit I have been through, and what I have done to get here today. It's pretty fucking heartbreaking that you saw a loose cannon like me and held fast," Did Avalon not realize that she knew just how messed up she was? Did she think that her whole life was a mystery to her own mind? No, she knew exactly what was going on, and that is what made her so much more dangerous. She had an unsalable lust for blood and sex, and knew exactly how to get what she wanted. Her body vibrated with each growl that slipped out from her maw, a hunger to make the woman scream out in pain was growing by the moment. The more she talked, the more she wanted to tear her face clean off. She was going to give this hoe something to remember her by, even if she had to carve it into her face.

Bite bite nom nom down below

She went on to talk more and more about respect, but Mercy was no longer listening. Already she was in her fighting stance, her head and tail level with her spine. Her chin tucked towards her chest, ears folded back and her purple eyes narrowed. Slowly she spread out her legs until they were evenly placed, each limb bending as her toes spread, claws digging into the muddy ground for further traction. She set her weight evenly across all fours, her hackles still raised in anger. She stood stalk still as the stupid woman yammered on, just waiting for her to make the first move. Mercy was ready to tear into her, to open a bit fat wound that would scar horribly. But... where? Her narrowed eyes scanned over the slightly taller woman, looking for a good place to cut her up. Her face was ugly enough, she didn't need any of her help there. She could take off an ear or even try to blind her, but then she would be an even shittier alpha. Mmm... It wasn't until Avalon charged towards her, left shoulder out, that she made her choice. A smile turned up the corner of her snarling lips, her mind was made up.

Since they were standing pretty close, there wasn't much time for Mercy to react. Feeling the tree behind her tail, she knew what she was going to do. Quickly her back legs took a few large steps to her own right, her left front paw staying firmly in place as the rest of her body pivoted towards her own right. Now, hopefully in an L like shape with Avalon, her front legs took two steps backwards, Avalon's left shoulder just barely missing her. Mercy hoped that with her short and quick burst towards her, that the taller woman would run face first into the tree that was now at Mercy's right. Because of this moved position, Avalon's bite grazed across Mercy's left cheek, opening shallow wounds just below her left eye. They were only minor cuts, but the smell of her own blood was enough to send Mercy into overdrive. Without much hesitation, her own pale jaws opened as she reached for Avalon's left shoulder, trying to keep her chin as close to her chest as possible to protect her throat. Mercy was aiming for her top jaw to sink in just above Avalon's left shoulder blade, her bottom jaw two inches below her top. The younger dame was hoping to bite down hard and achieve a solid grip on her opponents left shoulder, wishing to do further damage than just a simple bite. Because of Mercy's moved position, her left fore paw was out of reach of Avalon's front right paw unless the older woman was planning to cross her legs. The pale woman then lifted her own front left paw, aiming to slam it back down to the ground on top of Avalon's left fore paw, aiming to crush the little bones in her toes. Mercy also hoped to put a lot of pressure on said paw, rendering the taller woman unable to use it in a similar assault. Her weight shifted towards her right, maintaining her balance across her three grounded limbs.

Because of their hopefully still close proximity, there wasn't more that Mercy could do to her opponent. She hoped that Avalon was unable to stop quick enough to avoid crashing into the tree, hopefully slamming her face against the rough bark. In a last ditch effort to further harm the woman before her, Mercy's right shoulder jutted out, hoping to dig between Avalon's second and third rib. She was aiming for some bruising that she could use to her advantage later, as well as cause discomfort. Through all of these attacks, most of her defenses remained in place. This was only the beginning, Mercy would tear at this woman until she begged for her to, well... give her mercy. Fat chance, oh how she loved the irony of her name.

MERCY vs AVALON for MAIM (scarring of left shoulder)
Round 1 of 3
*Note* Me and Dragon agreed on a four day default time.



Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.