
Girls Love Girls and Boys



7 Years

08-21-2016, 06:10 PM
The slinking male, his tail low but curved upward at the end, eyed Faite as she spoke in a teasing tone. Obviously she was drawing attention to his lack of interest, his skulking attitude. He merely chuckled in response to her words, shaking his head as he went back to looking at the geyser hole. Oh, she had no idea how cranky he could be. And she had no idea how he kind of would have liked to see her frown or grump around. What was the purpose in being happy and cheerful all the time? That wasn't reality. In fact, the rose-colored lenses through which she viewed the world might paint over the dark and dangerous things that were out there on the prowl. She ought to have a little more caution, he mused to himself as he watched her sit down. Not all dangerous things were outright hostile at first glance.

He flicked an ear when he heard her question about the hole in the ground he was busying himself investigating. He had no idea what it was, so he had no answer for her. But luckily, the other woman seemed to know, and made use of herself answering in his place. He pulled his head away from the geyser, giving it a look of disgust as he discovered that there were times it could be dangerous. And that, in his own mind, was enough proof for him that things were not always what they appeared. He stepped away from the hole, unsure of exactly how much this woman knew about geysers; was she absolutely sure they didn't become active during seasons other than winter? He wasn't even sure what 'active' meant in regards to a geyser, but he didn't like the sound of it.

No longer interested in the geyser, he meandered back to the little feminine gathering, his head and tail carried low, as always. Just in time to hear the beginnings of chit-chat about who resided where. Did he have anything to add to that? No, not really. He'd merely listen for a moment, taking in their scents again as he put names to the pack scents they both carried. Ivalice and Celestial. So one of these packs lived fairly close by to where he'd been lingering. He didn't know if he could really call it home, but the darkness of the ship he'd been dragged to had become comforting to curl up in. For now, he supposed, until his master decided she was bored again.

With a sigh, he flopped down comfortably within conversational distance from the two ladies. It wasn't that he wasn't cautious of either of them. He just didn't really care what happened to him. With a raised brow, he looked to Amachi. "So, you're from the north as well," he muttered - it was sort of a question, but with no inflection in his tone of voice to indicate it; he wasn't sure he really cared to know more, but here he was, jabbering away anyways. "I've been staying with my master in the S.S. Antiox," he added, black-tipped tail flicking just once against the ground, "Just out for some fresh air." He supposed it was a little odd that he was now across the North on his own, his master nowhere in sight, but she'd been gone a few days, so he'd taken his chances and gone for a stroll... maybe she wouldn't notice he'd been out, but he'd be sure to check in soon to see if she had returned.