
You Make my Heart Flutter like a Tilt-a-Whirl



6 Years

08-21-2016, 07:54 PM (This post was last modified: 08-21-2016, 07:54 PM by Steel.)
She seemed happy to hear about his family, and he smiled in turn at her joy. “A coincidence,” he mused aloud, tail wagging behind him. Steel hadn't considered naming their children after his parents, and it seemed Esarosa didn't really want to either. “I never felt like surnames were necessary. We can use Nuri, or come up with one of our own. Or use none. Whatever you want.” He shrugged gently, not feeling strongly either way, and willing to do whatever she wanted or was most comfortable with.

Steel felt a surge of warmth and excitement grow in his chest at her words. Esarosa tipped her head back, granting him easier access to the flesh of her throat. He growled lightly, though the sound was far from aggressive - it was raw and passionate. It was incredible to him that she trusted him so deeply and he reveled in that trust, knowing he would do everything in his power to never break it.

All thoughts of anything but the present quickly faded away. Later, they could talk about what they'd name them, and how they might raise them. He had no doubt that they would be on the same page about those sorts of things, and truth be told.. Steel wasn't a terribly decisive man. The thought of having a family was amazing enough to him; he couldn't imagine not being happy with whatever Esarosa chose for them.

He watched her for a long moment, warmth shining in his eyes as she pulled back briefly. The sun had begun it's steady descent below the horizon, and with night quickly setting in he found the desire in his chest burning more steadily.

He didn't hesitate as she moved through the water, trailing after her with ease through the shallows. He would follow her to the ends of the world, he was sure of it, without looking back. Eager to feel her touch again, he would increase his pace, nipping gently at the tip of her tail as he rounded to her side.