
Onwards and Upwards [Challenge]



9 Years
08-21-2016, 08:16 PM

His attention was drawn to Karabela, as she seemed to notice him after his laughter in response to her comment directed at Enigma. He was glad he'd been loud enough for her to hear, as it caused her to turn toward him, recognizing him and offering him a rematch. His brows raised as a toothy but determined grin spread across his maw, and he would send her a simple nod in acknowledgement for the time being. He might have spent more time addressing her, but currently his pack mates were squabbling and things were falling apart around him. He was just a little distracted.

As he watched the fight break out between the two pack mates, he was rooting for Armai, but it had hardly begun before Nixie forfeited the fight and pulled away from the blind healer. He was disappointed he hadn't got a chance to see Armai crush the little brat, but at least there had been no actual bloodshed between the two pack mates. If it hadn't caused enough drama already, blood would have just made it worse, although Xephyris wouldn't have minded in the least. When he turned to see what had distracted her from the fight, his eyes followed her gaze to see the end of the challenge. Rivaxorus had fallen. His ears folded back, a hefty sigh escaping him. The victor, though exhausted from her fight, ordered the wolves of Myriad to vacate their pack lands. She would be taking over now.

Once again, he realized he was without a home and a pack. What was he supposed to do now? He'd been working hard with Myriad, trying to better himself, but now he was being displaced. Wrapped up in his thoughts, his eyes stared on blankly at Riv's limp form, his pack mates going to the young man's aid. He was not a healer. He could not help. He would be distracted from the shock of this new realization, by the touch of Soleil's nose on the right side of his neck. He leaned into her touch, feeling somewhat relieved, and he turned to face her, silver eyes meeting her mesmerizing turquoise gaze. She spoke... some of the words he picked up on. She was talking about someone, and she had... an idea? He wished he could understand the full context, but when she spoke one simple word of English, he nodded to her, the smallest smile tugging at the edges of his lips, his disappointed scowl slowly changing. As she took a few steps away, he followed her, coming to her side, ready to depart with her. He would go wherever she was headed, though he knew at some point he would go looking for Riv and the others, to check up on them. But now was not the time, so with Soleil, he would leave the scene, quiet and solemn, not looking back...

-exit Xephyris-

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]