
This land is our land



7 Years
Extra large

08-21-2016, 09:34 PM
His gaze was confident and calm as he watched his father's face, wondering if the white fur that marked his aging had been there for some time or if they were just growing more prominent now. Lark hadn't spent much time thinking about the mortality of anyone in his family, but it hit him suddenly and painfully that he would likely outlive his father. The thought weighed down on him unpleasantly, but he forced a smile that was not entirely artificial as his dad began to speak.

He didn't expect the topic to be so.. heavy. Not right off. A slight frown touched his lips as he started to speak. It was obvious that his mind was occupied with these thoughts and he wanted to discuss them with Lark now rather than small talk. Slowly he reclined to his haunches, his mind reeling with each word that Bass spoke.

He was.. tired of running Abaven? Things had been hard for awhile, he wasn't oblivious to that, but the thought of his father not running Abaven wasn't pleasant either. His expression was largely unreadable as he stood and watched and considered all of this. He'd offered Abaven to Karabela. He didn't even know Karabela well, and he felt a swell of indignation rise in his chest. "Mother left out of selfishness," he corrected him firmly, his voice betraying a hint of hurt that he didn't bother hiding. Starling had taken on the same sort of selfish behavior, but his recent visit with him had Lark hoping he'd changed. "And you didn't fail anyone. But." He paused, thinking as his jaws shut tight and his gaze fell away from his father's face.

"I'm not ready to take Abaven." But I don't want Karabela to have it, either. They'd talked about it being handed to him before, and the thought had lingered in the back of his mind for some time. His words were stonier than usual, his gaze contorting in a mix of confusion and uncertainty now. "Why not someone else, though? Why not Tinaro?"  He could imagine following his friend, more than Karabela. At least he would keep them here, as a family; who knew who might want to follow Karabela? He wanted to stay with his family, as many of them as possible, but he wondered if this would cause a split in their family - and where would Lillianna decide to go?