
Living in the shadows


08-22-2016, 01:39 AM

Boredom. It was the only thing on her mind for a while. There was nothing to do, except hunt down the little shit that had stolen her kill last winter. And the little shits mom, too. When something or someone crossed her, she never forgot about it so easily. And the fact that those two had such distinct markings, well...she wouldn't forget them. The woman was taking the day to just relax from her wanderings, the summer heat had been too much as of late. So instead, she'd been on these cliffs for the better part of a week, and today she was just enjoying the day as she rolled around in the flower patch.

Nobody had come up this way, so that meant nobody would be stealing her prey up here. And if they did, she'd just push them off the cliff. As she rolled on her back, the smell of crushed flowers and grass masked the scent of the male. But by the time she noticed him, he was at the edge of the cliff. She quickly rolled onto her stomach, ears erect as she watched him. Was he trying to commit suicide?! Silver gaze watched as the silver male stopped in the nick of time. What on earth? Was he blind or something? "If you jump, I'll have to find somewhere else to go because the image of your broken body isn't exactly what I want to see every morning!" She called out, though she didn't get up from her position on the ground.
