
You Make my Heart Flutter like a Tilt-a-Whirl



6 Years

08-22-2016, 03:11 AM

Still smiling, she laughed a little as he mentioned the coincidence they had discovered. Now that the whole topic of naming had been brought up, she couldn't wait to see her little ones, and speak their names for the first time. What she would call them, precisely, was still open for thought and discussion. Something that they would ultimately have plenty of time to decide upon, and they had plenty of name themes to choose from. She nodded in agreement that surnames were unnecessary. She wouldn't mind using her father's surname, to pass on his memory in a way. She'd always had a lot of bitter feelings toward her family when she was young, but over the years and with growing maturity, she realized how much she truly missed them.

Esa wished she'd spent more time with them when she had the chance. However, she also knew that she wouldn't have had the same life experiences she'd had if she had have just stayed home. The alarming thought that she might never have met Steel crossed her mind, she was glad she had left home when she did, and happy the the way her life had unfolded, despite some regrets about her family. Besides, there was nothing she could do to change her past or ever get more time with her family - instead, she would create her own family, with Steel beside her. She would try to be there for her family in ways that her parents couldn't have. A momentary chill ran through her as she thought of how her mother had gotten sick giving life to Elysia and herself. Certainly her mother had not planned for that - certainly, she had planned to give them everything, to raise them with love and care. Would things go smoother for her when the time came? Lots of mothers gave birth without trouble, right?

Her worries dissolved at Steel's physical touch, his raw and passionate growl setting a fire in her lower abdomen. His gentle nibbles on her throat made her shiver. There was no way she could dwell on the past nor fret about the future when she was with him like this. There was only the current moment, emphasized by the gentle sound of swishing water as they moved and the buzz of insects around them. As she pulled back, she could see the warmth in his ruby-red eyes. As he followed after her through the water, she giggled, heading gradually deeper into the water again. Another shiver ran up her spine as his teeth touched the tip of her tail, and he came up beside her. She came to a stop, brushing her shoulder against his side, her hip bumping into his and her tail caressing the back of his thigh. She couldn't believe it, they were finally here... after all the anticipation, they were finally going to make this happen. And her body burned for it, her inner thighs aching, the feel of her pounding heart throbbing throughout her entire body.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]