
i'm such a fool for sacrifice



5 Years
08-22-2016, 10:28 AM

When he heard and saw his brother laugh, something inside of Starling just broke. He missed making his family smile, laugh. IT's been so long since he heard any of that; the last several encounters with his family had been nothing but sorrow and anger. Seeing a bit of lightheartedness caused him to have to blink away tears. It was getting harder to do so, though, as Lark reaffirmed his love for his brother, and Starling smiled. "I think you're right," he whispered, feeling his body relax as he leaned against Lark. "It's time to go home." He needed them, all of them, around him. He needed their support, their love - and they needed it too, he thought. He'd been gone to long. Way too long.

A fierce longing to see his dad, to run to him and hug him arose within him, and the same yearning arose for each of his siblings, even the younger ones. That smile turned sad - he didn't know his younger siblings all that well, and that was because he had been too self-absorbed and stupid to pay any attention to them. He needed to change that. Even if none of them were interested in herbs, he could still try to be a role model for them. He could still teach them things, and teach them that the family loves them no matter what. That making mistakes was okay. Enforce it, too, so maybe they could avoid what he went through, though most of it was his own stupidity. He knew his family loved him no matter what. He knew that some failure was okay. But one part of him argued, one part of him disagreed, and that one part of him took over and nearly destroyed his relationships with his brothers and sisters and their dad. He would never let that happen again.

When he pulled away, though, all those thoughts vanished and he was left simply staring at Lark... who was... getting defensive. Lark's 'so what?' was challenging, and Starling's ears flattened as he made a split decision: he did not want to know. "I, uhh, I j-just wasn't e-expecting it," he stuttered, glancing away. Nope, nope, nope, he did not want to know. He also had no idea hwo to shift the conversation again, and so he stood there awkwardly, and feeling more awkward by the second.

"Talk" | "Italian"