
Creed x Kavdaya Puppies!



4 Years
08-23-2016, 12:24 AM (This post was last modified: 08-23-2016, 02:49 PM by Verana.)
OOC Name: Leah
Name: Paragon Ancora
Gender: Female
Design Number: #5
Alignment: Lawful Good
Appearance Description: Perfect dove in a celestial land. Ancora and Nomad blood rushes through her veins. The cells mixing and creating her to be the lovely mixture of Creed and Kavdaya. The base coat of her bodice is stained alabaster, her coat thick and grown out for chilling climates. Her mother was purely color, and her father consists of it too, both parents owning coats of fluff. Yet, she is not only this color and in fact she has multiple markings that stain her fur. The ears, both of them tipped with obsidian. Her optics are surrounded by the same obsidian, a marking that was inherited from her father. Dark permanent tears rolling from her gaze, staining her face for an eternity. Her snout is stained with onyx too, a thick strip crawling up the bridge of her and all the way up to her forehead. There is also a patch of a slightly black that is right on her chest, a hole in her heart.. Finally, all four of her paws are the shadow color that marks her face and chest, the socks creep up her legs, only staining just barely past her knees. Paragon’s gaze is colored mostly amethyst, and she receives partial heterochromia from her mother. The purple flecked over with bits of sapphire, as well as even smaller flecks of pink. Two gems that sit in her skull that give her an alluring expression. The fae will take after her mother’s build, a figure of elegance and grace. Holding the sheer beauty and lithe of the woman she calls her mother. She will hold perfect curves and thin limbs, strong muscles hidden under her perfectly soft and well groomed coat. Paragon’s fur will be most thick around her neck and her tail, the traits she received from both parent’s. She will have a soft and calm voice from her mother. In fact, she will take off so much like her mother that she will be just about 31 inches and 105 pounds, barely larger than Kavdaya.

Personality Description: Just have faith in her. Ever since she was a pup, she craved for knowledge. She wanted to understand anything and everything, most of this came from watching her mother heal and such. She’s quite curious, maybe even a little too much, but she doesn’t let that blind her either. Joyful and curious girl, an angel in the world of Boreas. She wants to do what is morally right, and she will try to be the best that she can. Optimistic creature, the glass if half full and it will always be half full. Of course, the world will never be perfect, but she always tries to think positive. Obviously she can’t do this all the time, but she will normally try to be the one to lift the spirits. If she wants something she will work hard for it, always trying to prove herself to especially her mother, as she dreams of taking the healer route. She will try, try, try, even if it seems impossible for her. Her ambition drives her to be a hard working lady and it is hard to discourage her from her dream’s. If Paragon has her focus on something, she will try her hardest and her best to get it. It’s a mere fact about her, and something you can’t quite change about her. You would think she would be timid and maybe even ignorant, but she is far from that. Because of her craving of understanding, she will want to know how to do everything. She is not gentle and sweet all the time, if somebody she hold dear to her heart is messed with then she will turn into a vicious little thing. Nobody quite knows where she earned such a silver tongue, but she has it and she is not afraid to use it. This proves her loyalty pretty well, as she cherishes those who treat her right and she would do a lot for them. Perhaps she get’s attached a little too easily, this is probably a bad thing, but as she grows up she will eventually learn her lesson. Someday somebody will treat her terribly or betray her, and she will learn not to care so easily. Yet, she has a strong soul and she will not break so easily. She refuses to give in to the negative’s of life, and she will remain a strong fae until the day she dies. Overall, she has learned her demeanor from both her parent’s, and she will stick to these ways for a large amount of her life. Perhaps certain situations might shape her and change her slightly, but she will always be Paragon.

Plans: I plan on having her become particularly close with her mother. She will wish to take the full route of healing and become a Master Healer like her mother when she grows older. She will want to have a strong bond with her immediate family and make plenty of friends in the wolves of Celestial. She will be quite curious so she may gain that wanderlust from her father and occasionally take some trips around the other lands of Boreas and such. She'd love to meet a lot of wolves outside of Celestial too and all that!

Roleplay Sample: Finally, Mama and Papa had agreed that Paragon and her siblings could leave the Plains to go explore the Lake. Wolfpaw Lake that is, the small girl was extremely excited and curious to see what she would find today. And as soon as the large amount of water came into view she raced her litter mates to the shore. She heard a warning from Papa to be careful, and she would definitely be. Onyx paws pushed her little body forwards and soon enough she was coming to a halt at the water’s edge. “Woah!” she exclaimed, looking at her own very reflection in the glassy liquid. She dared to put a toe into the water, and she realized that it was quite nice! Carefully she dipped her head to lap at the liquid, taking a nice and peaceful drink. Suddenly, somebody splashed her! “Hey!” she exclaimed, annoyed with whichever sibling had done such a thing. All of them were already walking into the water and splashing and playing. She looked back to see that Mama and Papa were already in the water too, their tall legs in the water and they seemed quite happy. Be careful, it’s what Papa said, but if they were all in the water then she could be in there too!

The girl carefully put her paw into the lake, it was nice but a little cold for her liking. Slowly, paw by paw, she was standing barely off of the shore. Uncertain and doubtful, maybe even a little scared because she didn’t know what to do. She looked at her siblings who seemed to be having a blast! Slowly she began to go in deeper and deeper, and then it touched her stomach. Oh gosh, it was so cold, she quickly took a few steps back and her eyes grew wide as a chill ran up her spine. What was this?! She needed help, and she wasn’t afraid of getting it. Quickly the girl turned around and bounded back up to the shore, the sand now clung to her wet paws and she didn’t know if she liked it or not. Bounding over to the left to where her parent’s were, “Mama!” she cried out, walking into the water again. She tried to go as deep as she could without getting her stomach wet, but she was stopped and because Mama was so tall she could stand way far into the water! She didn’t want to be cold but she wanted to be with her siblings, and maybe she could try to go out as far as her parents too. Suddenly, a flash of silver caught her eye and her attention was quickly averted. As she waited for her mother, she squinted her multihued gaze and looked deeply into the water. The silver came back, scales shimmering under the sunlight, a fish! She had seen smaller ones in the creek back in the plains, but this one was much bigger. She remembered her father coming home with various animals in his jaws, she wanted the fish! Without hesitation she pushed her upper body up and front paws came striking down where the fish was. Too fast, she missed and instead splashed a bunch of water upon herself. Now she was just getting annoyed and upset, but instead she turned the negative feelings into determination as to catch the fish. She would get it and she wasn’t leaving until she could bring one back to the plains.
[Image: KPkoPrh.png]