
in a different place



6 Years

08-23-2016, 10:09 AM

He seemed quite older than her, but overall he still seemed rather young. He had a certain edge of wisdom to him that she immediately respected. As he explained that the north bred stronger wolves she nodded. Her thoughts would immediately flicker to Creed. He'd been born in the north. She'd questioned him about his family once and his stocky body and fluffy coat had made perfect sense. He was a part of Glaciem before the war had began and it gave her clarity that he was as hardy as he was. Even his coat didn't thin out in the summer like most wolves. She didn't envy him in that regard at least. So she readily found herself agreeing with Aki. To live her, she imagined, you must be tough lest you die. It wasn't the same as a cushy lifestyle in the south where prey was more plentiful and the weather less harsh.

"I suppose with impending death around the corner you'd find ways to live." She chuckled.

She'd watch him with curiosity as he moved away from her. Her head followed Aki as with one swift movement he hopped up on a pile of boulders with as much grace as she'd seen from anyone his size. He answered her after looking at the horizon and her gaze would follow his own. It truly was beautiful up here and she was glad she had made the journey. It had certainly been worth the trip.

She didn't look back at him until he posed her a question. The answer came easily to her lips. "I've been trying to familiarize myself with the north. This is the highest I've gone though in terms of climbing mountains. I'd certainly love to see more of it though. It's quite breathtaking up here." She'd smile at him easily. If that was an invitation to go higher up with him she'd readily accept it.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]