
Metal to Rust



7 Years
Dire wolf
08-23-2016, 08:01 PM
Even though seasons had passed since the fall of Imperium Angelus was still caught off guard by the presence of non pack members on formerly claimed land. It was for this reason that he was keeping tabs on the woman's movements as she wandered around the land. The giant was well aware of the new pack's existence. How could he not be? He was close to both the battlefield and the Rio Grande, and he'd heard both the call for a fight and the claiming howl. He didn't know who this woman was, but he strongly suspected she was connected in some way to the new pack.

Aw, what the hell. He may as well go be nosy and see if he could get answers for all of his questions.

The giant's long stride easily ate up the ground between him and the woman. He approached perpendicular to her left side. The wind was in his favor now and he was able to glean a bit more information about the woman. It confirmed a few of his assumptions; she was a woman, and she belonged to the new pack whose name he had not yet learned. Not just that, he realized as he got closer, but she was the alpha. "Interesting," he thought to himself. Angel couldn't help but look her over with new eyes. Now he was obligated to be nosy.

"If you're looking for the bison," he called as he drew closer, "As it warms up they head to the low ground between the knolls, and to the river to cool off." Her interest in the bison was a guess, but he thought it a pretty good one given the location and the way she was looking.