
one steel x esarosa baby


IT'S OVER 9000!

13+ Years
08-24-2016, 02:26 AM (This post was last modified: 08-24-2016, 07:00 AM by Shrapnel.)
Name: Onyx
Gender: Female
Alignment :
Design: 1
Appearance: 35 inches - 140 lbs

Onyx takes after her mother when it comes to her coat color. She's swathed in a dark inky gray color that covers the majority of her body. She has some variations to her coat though in terms of any color she's lacking in it. Most of the markings reside on her face. There is a darker gray that splashes across her face and curves around under her eyes. The insides of her ears are a light gray color and a lighter gray markings curves underneath her eyes and down her snout about halfway before it stops. Her chest fades from the dark gray to a lighter color and soft highlights accent her neck. The only other markings she has are a darker gray splash across her back that fades up her neck and her front toes are lathered in light gray. The only true variation to her coat are the darker red eyes that peer vibrantly out from her dark colored coat.

Onyx's frame happens to be a bit more lean than her mother's own. She's not too terribly skinny, but she's certainly not more buffed out like some wolves tend to be either. Lean muscle makes up the majority of her body and she has noticeable feminine curves once she reaches the two year mark. The broadest part of her is her chest and even that isn't overly large. Her head is narrow and her muzzle quite lean. She has long legs and dainty paws and a slight curve of her stomach though she certainly doesn't want for food.

Her fur matches her feminine appearance. It's soft and texture and isn't overly fluffy nor overly thin either. It's thickest around her neck and chest, and her tail doesn't lack either. It's not very thin, but doesn't boast the same fluffiness of her neck fur either. In the colder months her fur will thicken but not by much. The only thing that's not very lady-like about her is the dirt she tends to accumulate. She doesn't wholly love the dirt and mud, but she's not picky about how clean she keeps herself and doesn't mind getting dirty.

She carries herself in an energetic sort of way that reflects not only her own personality, but Esarosa's as well. Around her family an easy going confidence and a happy air makes up her body language. Around strangers they'll find a more reserved kind of energy that poses wariness but curiosity at the same time.
Personality: She tends to take after Esarosa in personality as well as in appearance. She has a wild enthusiasm for life that is hard to match by others. Curiosity always is a thing that drives her and she never quite outgrows her need for adventure. Around her family is when she seems most boisterous. The amount of love she holds for them is never ending and she's loyal to them first and foremost. Around strangers she somehow finds a way to calm herself, but only because she's learned that she should be wary of them.

As a kid her parents will find her somewhat hard to contain. Her adventurous side is certain to get her in trouble and from the minute she opens her eyes she feels the need to explore. The need to know what's out there drives her and she can't help but go by her own instincts first. She learns eventually from right and wrong, but she has a stubborn side to her as well. She's not very lady-like and would argue with a tree and probably still win.

She takes after Steel with her fearless nature. She doesn't quite know when to give up and will tackle anything with a determined grin and a glint in her eye. No one can say she's lacking in spunk either. Whether it comes to duties she needs to accomplish, fights, or anything thrown at her she treats it all the same. Even if it's a fight she knows she can't win she'll do it anyways and put her heart into it.

She calms down a bit as an adult and she gets in far less trouble than as a child. She's still a handful and certainly doesn't lack any sass from when she was a kid. One would be hard pressed to be able to withstand her and the mouth she can have. With her spunk comes a slight temper. Once she's riled up it's hard to contain her and you'll be hard pressed to find someone who can match her wit.

While perhaps a bit impulsive at times she certainly isn't as emotionless as a rock. She enjoys the company of others, her family most of all, and typically doesn't enjoy being alone. She'll often be found trailing after others, probably annoying the absolute piss out of them, and asking fifty million questions. Learn to get along with her and she'll be the best friend you've ever had. There's nothing she wouldn't do for anyone she's allowed into her life, but get on her bad side and you'll find a fiery gray spitball of fury and teeth.

Plans: She'll definitely want to stay in Ivalice around her parents (Or follow them wherever they go.) Due to her personality I can see her wanting to keep her relationship with her family quite close.

Roleplay sample :