
a new soul to the old hell

Lykos I


5 Years
Extra large
08-24-2016, 10:01 AM (This post was last modified: 08-24-2016, 10:07 AM by Lykos I.)
Lykos stared at the paw that tried to "warn" him, and internally he scoffed. Warning him away? Was this alpha so insecure that he felt the need to warn another away from a potential packmate? Pitiful. He was several feet away, and had no intention of stealing the female; what an absolute idiot. None of this showed of course, and he simply held an easy dominance that was quite natural for him, and not arrogant or rude in the least.

More annoyingly, the bright red creature - what an abomination - kept interfering. Lykos was not interested in conversing with this monstrosity of a wolf, he was only interested in the strange wolf with the foreign language who captured his attention. He had ignored the thing when he approached (apparently unnoticed, too, which was pretty damned sad with the amount of wolves present), but it was definitely harder to ignore when a neon eyesore was acting miffed about not immediately being greeted as a superior and thus interrupting a conversation that was to be started. Still, it would be good not to slight the alpha, and to be courteous and neutral in return, and so he did just that. "I am Lykos Ancora, Heir of Ivalice," he obliged quietly, half speaking to the red thing, and half speaking to the smaller female who spoke the strange language. "A pleasure as well." Not... really, but what harm was a lie? Besides, this Regulus would have no idea what Lykos' true thoughts were. He kept those carefully hidden, his tone and facial expression utterly neutral when he looked at Regulus. It did soften when he spoke to the woman, though.

... Who, sadly, made her decision. "Yes," he affirmed quietly at her question. Katja wasn't precisely a friend, but he couldn't think of a word to describe what they were. Not friends, not allies, but not enemy either. He held a respect for her and the authority she commanded, and she seemed to not mind his presence. "I will introduce you, if I can find her." He paused for a moment, studying the smaller wolf. "I would be interested in learning your language, if you would be willing to teach." He truly was interested; languages were fascinating to them, and quite useful.

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