
Love is not a choice



5 Years
Dire wolf
08-24-2016, 10:44 AM

ooc: Probably shouldn't post this at 10 am with no sleep but here! Got any questions just ask and I'd like to keep the default at 3 days ^^.

Amachi would watch as the white female appeared, it was a bit of a surprise. That was when her mental state had been at a low, she was absent from many fights or just not at the top of her game. It'd be nice to have a one on one though, as Mercy said she didn't have to worry about chaos. Just good old honing her skills, whether she lost or not it didn't matter. The behemoth would just have to do her best.

The beast would set her defenses in an instant. Her ears went to pull to the back of her head, eyes narrowing to slits to protect them. Her teeth revealed themselves as she bared them, pulling the skin back against her face to tighten those muscles and perhaps protect her nose. As her paws spread evenly she would distribute her weight on all four of her limbs. Tail coming to be level with her spine her knees bent at the joints to make sure she would be able to absorb damage and move within a seconds notice. Her shoulders rolled inward and the woman's hackles raised themselves to make herself appear bigger. She scrunched up her scruff, to make it difficult for Mercy to take a hold if she so tried. Amachi's toes spread into the terrain, digging her nails into the dirt for traction. She may have fought with mercy before, but this was different.

Amachi would then attempt to close the small amount of distance between them. Pushing on her back legs she attempted to spring forward to quickly (assuming they are facing right across from each other) close the three feet of space. In that moment of time her chin tucked to her chest to protect her throat from potential assault and she jutted her right shoulder out pushing her weight into it. Hoping to collide it with Mercy's left shoulder where the blade met her chest. If possible to either dislocate it or cause extreme comfort.

Amachi would keep her toes spread onto the terrain, eyes narrowed towards the female. She raised her left foreleg and attempted to bring it slamming down on Mercy's right paw. With every intention to cause pain. With that finally her jaws opened and Amachi tilted her own head to her left would aim towards the bridge of the woman's nose. Aiming her upper jaw towards Mercy's right side of her muzzle and the bottom to Mercy's left. Her tail would shuffle to the right to keep her balance - shoulders rolled inward and hackles raised. Ready to spring into action, her abdomen muscles tightened her body becoming more compact and able to absorb attacks.

1/3 for spar

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 11ludc3.png]